Page 52 of Death Wish

“Take a jacket along if you need to dress up a little more but wear comfortable dressy flats.”

“You’re a genius, Simone.”

“Hardly but I have some experience with dates like this.”

“I guess Jesse is as bad as most men, not giving you a hint at what type of date you’re going on.”

That was a tough one. Simone didn’t want to lie to her friend, but she didn’t have experience to go on. “He’s better than most at giving me hints.”

“Lucky you.”

“Don’t worry. The longer you date Mateo, the easier you’ll get at reading him for clues to what’s coming for the evening.”

They walked into the crowded cafeteria and headed for the line. “Wonder when Jesse will be here? He said he might be a little late.”

“We’ll make our selections, then you can return to get food for Jesse. That way he won’t waste time in the line.”

“Good idea.”

After taking their trays to a table, Simone returned to the line to choose food for Jesse. Good thing he wasn’t picky. To make things simple, she chose the same food she’d selected for herself.

When she stopped to pick up two bottles of water for Jesse, someone stepped up to her.

“Ms. Kenyon?”

Simone turned to face the man she’d been wanting to meet. Griffin Daley. “Yes?”

“I’m Griffin Daley, head of the Special Projects division.”

She smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Daley. Please, call me Simone.”

“Would you have time to stop by my office after lunch? I’d like to discuss something with you.”

“Of course. I’ll have to let Ms. Kirk know I’ll be late returning from lunch.”

He waved that concern aside. “I’ll take care of it. I’m looking forward to speaking with you.”

“See you soon, Mr. Daley.” She watched as he strode away. Well, well. Looked like this might be a good day unless Daley planned to call her hand on removing the bugs and cameras. No doubt in her mind that the Special Projects division was responsible for the spy equipment, especially if they were suspicious of her activities.

She returned to the table where Joy waited for her and set down Jesse’s tray.

“Was that who I think it was?” Joy asked, eyes sparkling.

“If you think it’s Griffin Daley, then, yeah, it was.”

“What did he say?”

“He wants to see me after lunch.”

“Yes!” Joy pumped her fist. “I knew it. You’re being tapped to go into the Special Projects division.”

“We don’t know that.”

“Ha. Mr. Daley doesn’t talk to any of the peons here unless he wants them for his division. No one else grabs his attention.”

“We’ll see.”

“This is so exciting. I’ve met no one who works in that division, and now the woman I’m mentoring is being invited into the ivory tower of programming at DA.”