Page 47 of Death Wish

“What now?” Rayne asked.

“Search this place. I want to know who his contacts are in Sayulita.”


“Don’t ask.”

They searched the bungalow and came up with a couple of names that Jesse sent to Zane for further research.

He slid his phone away and palmed White’s cell phone. Didn’t know if they’d come up with anything more from the man’s phone but he’d let Simone check it out, anyway. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. I need to see Simone.”

“Unless my guess is wrong, I’d say she’s waiting up for you with my teammates.”

They returned to the SUV and drove from the neighborhood. Since they were in the area, Jesse swung by Joy’s house. The place was still a beehive of activity with cops and crime scene technicians roaming in and out of the house.

At least the place was secure. No one in their right minds would invade a place filled with cops and techs.

Twenty minutes later, Jesse drove around behind the safe house and parked. “Thanks for the assist, Rayne.”

“No problem. Let me know if I can do anything else to help.” She opened the door and slipped away into the night.

He climbed from the vehicle and approached the patio. Not wanting to have his head blown off or have one of the Artemis team gut him, Jesse sent a text to tell the women he’d returned and was at the back door.

Seconds, later, Iona unlocked the door and opened it wide. “That didn’t take long. Is he still breathing?”

“Unfortunately. He’s a pathetic bullying worm.”

“You got him to talk?”

“Not everything but I got enough to know he’s down here for Simone and to make a connection in the drug trade. Seems like old Trevor wants to set himself up in business in San Francisco.”

“A real nice guy, huh?”

He snorted. “Where’s Simone?”

“Asleep on the couch. She did her best to wait up for you but lost the fight about twenty minutes ago. We didn’t have the heart to move her.”

“I’ll take care of it. Thanks for watching over my girl.”

“You bet. Don’t lose this one, okay? We like her.”

Jesse chuckled. “I’ll do my best.”

The two women from Artemis left the safe house and resumed their watch.

Jesse walked into the living room where Simone lay sprawled on the couch, sound asleep. His heart turned over in his chest at the sight of her. She looked totally relaxed and at peace for the first time since they’d landed in Sayulita.

Like Iona and Tegan, Jesse hated to wake her. Leaving her on the couch, though, wasn’t an option. She’d wake up sore and stiff.

He bent and lifted Simone into his arms. When she stirred, he murmured, “It’s okay. I’m carrying you to bed.”

“You’re back,” she mumbled.

“Yeah, sweetheart. I’m back.”

“Any injuries?”
