“I have a special assignment for you that will involve a trip out of the country.”
“That’s why Jesse is here, too?”
He nodded. “The mission is dangerous. Jesse will go with you to keep you safe.”
“Dangerous missions and computer hacker don’t go together, sir.”
“Under normal circumstances, that’s true,” Brent agreed. “The job is in your area of expertise. The location and circumstances are not.”
“I’m listening.”
“You don’t have to do this, Simone,” Jesse said. “Brent can find another hacker.”
“He’s right,” Brent said. “I could. But I’m hoping you’ll take on the task.”
Simone looked from Brent to Jesse and back. “Must be important.”
“It’s critical, and time sensitive.”
“Tell me more.”
“What I tell you may not go beyond the office door. National security could be at stake and the security of other nations. Do I make myself clear?”
“Good. You’ve heard of Dragon Alley?”
She straightened. “Who hasn’t? They’re one of the best programming companies in the world. Their hackers are world class and sought after by other companies and governments across the globe. What does this mission have to do with Dragon Alley?”
“Credible rumors are circulating that someone inside the company is creating a program to steal classified information from military installations, defense contractors, and governments around the world, then infect the computers with a virus. If this program is completed, our soldiers and sailors will be at risk of exposure and our military operations will be for sale to the highest bidder, putting thousands of people in harm’s way.”
The longer he spoke, the grimmer Simone’s expression grew. “Who would do such a thing?”
“Someone who wants a truckload of money to restore the information and keep what he learned off the market,” Jesse said.
“We can’t let them get by with this.”
Brent smiled. “I hoped that’s what you’d say. I only have two programmers or hackers in the same class as those employed by Dragon Alley. You and Zane.”
She shook her head. “You need Zane here, and he has a sweet little boy and beautiful wife to care for. I should go.”
Yep, Jesse had known that would be Simone’s exact response. The beautiful hacker was as eager as anyone he’d seen to right a wrong. Funny, considering what she did for a living and also on the side for fun. She hacked into websites and databases without authorization. Some of the hacking was sanctioned by Fortress. Some was not.
“Excellent. You’ll be going undercover as a new hire at Dragon Alley starting tomorrow. You and Jesse will leave for Sayulita, Mexico in six hours.”
Simone’s eyes widened. “Six hours? That’s a little fast, isn’t it?”
“The clock’s ticking. We can’t afford to lose an extra day. Every day, this programmer is moving closer to finishing the program that will endanger our troops.”
“Do I have a cover story?” She looked uneasy. “If I go in as Simone Kent, I’ll have to invent another identity for myself. People at Dragon Alley have long memories.”
“We have that covered. Zane has created alternate identities for you and Jesse. When you leave my office, go to the communication center. He’ll give you what you need.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jesse asked Simone. He wanted her to say no, to back down. This mission would be dangerous.
“We don’t have a choice.” She looked at Brent. “So, what’s our cover story for Jesse going along on this adventure?”
“He’s your over-protective boyfriend who is also starting a new job in security at Dragon Alley tomorrow.”