“Let me rephrase. Were you hurt when the car tried to run us down in the parking lot?”
“No, thanks to you.” She looked at Jesse. “You saved my life.”
He squeezed her gently. “I would do anything for you.”
Simone blinked. “Jesse.”
He heard Joy heading their way. “Later.”
Joy entered the room with an overnight bag in her hand. “I’m ready. When will the police arrive?”
“Any minute. We should wait for them on the porch. They won’t be happy to learn that we walked around a crime scene.”
“Tough. I needed to pack a few things.”
“Did they take anything?” Simone asked.
“Not that I can tell.” Joy frowned. “I don’t understand why they would go to the trouble of searching my house but not take a thing. Although I don’t have all the latest and greatest gadgets, I have several game systems and video games.” She shrugged. “It’s part of what I do, you know? Those items alone would have brought a lot of money in the right circles. I also have my grandmother’s jewelry in a case in the bedroom. Jewelry is scattered across my dresser but nothing is missing, not even the cash I keep under the mattress.”
Jesse’s eyebrows rose as he shepherded the two women outside to sit on the porch bench. “You shouldn’t keep cash in the house, Joy. You’re begging for someone to break in and rob you.”
Her face flushed. “I know. My ex-boyfriend said the same thing. I’ve always kept ready cash at home.”
“If you insist on keeping cash, at least store it in a safe so it’s not easily confiscated.”
“I’ll do that. I promise.” She sighed. “Another thing to add to the to-do list. Top of that list is getting a dog.”
“Smart move as long as the dog isn’t an ankle biter. You need a medium or large-size dog, one that barks loud and intimidates anyone who might decide to break in to the house.”
“I wish I had an alarm system. I planned to get one but never got around to it.”
“If you want me to, I can evaluate the security companies in the area and give you a recommendation.”
“I would appreciate that, Jesse. You’re the best.” She smiled as the police car screeched to a stop in front of the house. “If Simone ever dumps you, ask me for a date first.”
He chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Two officers climbed from the cruiser and approached the porch with their hands on their weapons. “One of you the homeowner?”
“That would be me,” Joy said. “I’m Joy Walters. Someone broke into my house while I was at work today.”
“Quiet neighborhood. We rarely have reports of any crimes in this area.”
“That’s good to know.” She crossed her arms over her stomach. “Whoever broke in left an enormous mess inside.”
“Did they take anything?”
“Not that I can tell. I was afraid to touch anything.”
The shorter officer nodded. “That’s good. Hopefully, we’ll lift some fingerprints but I wouldn’t hold my breath.”
“What about an alarm system?” the taller officer asked. “Do you have one?”
“No, I don’t.” She glanced at Jesse. “It’s one of the first things I’m going to take care of tomorrow.”
The officers looked at Jesse and Simone. “Who are you?”
“We’re friends of Joy’s,” Simone said. “We work together.”