“I hope not. I don’t want our actions to affect her.”
Five minutes later, Joy turned into the driveway of a small bungalow. Jesse parked the SUV behind her car and circled the hood to the passenger side. He helped Simone to the concrete, and they followed Joy to her front door. He held out his hand. “Do you mind if I check your house before you walk inside?”
“Why do you want to do that?”
“Your safety is important to us. While I don’t think there’s anything to worry about, I’d feel better if I did a cursory check first.”
Without a word, Joy handed Jesse her key.
“Thanks. Do you have a pet?”
She shook her head. “I’ve been thinking about getting a dog but haven’t taken the time to go get one.”
“You should. Dogs are better than security alarms for letting you know if something isn’t right.”
“I’ll try to go to the animal shelter tomorrow after work.”
Jesse unlocked her door, slipped inside the house, and shut the door behind him. He waited a moment, listening for signs of someone else being in the house.
He searched the small home room by room until he was satisfied that no one waited for Joy. However, unless their DA coworker was the messiest housekeeper on the planet, someone had searched her home in her absence. If so, what was he looking for?
Gut knotting, Jesse returned to the front porch where the two women waited for him. He looked at Joy. “Come see the house. Looks like someone broke in while you were gone.”
She gasped and rushed past Jesse. Joy came to a sudden stop just inside the doorway. “Oh, no. Who would do this?”
“Touch nothing,” Jesse said. “Just walk through the house. See if anything is missing. Once you finish, pack a bag.”
“Your home is a crime scene. The police might not want you to stay here tonight.”
“I don’t care what they want. I’m going to a hotel.” Joy shuddered. “I don’t feel safe here. In fact, I might move to another part of town. I feel violated.”
“I’m sorry,” Simone said. “Do you want me to walk through the rooms with you?”
Joy shook her head. “I can handle it as long as I know you two are in the house with me.”
“We’re not going anywhere. Promise.”
“While you do a walkthrough, I’ll call the police,” Jesse said.
He waited until their friend left the room before turning to Simone. “I would have offered to let her stay with us.”
Simone shook her head. “It’s not safe,” she whispered. “You know we’re the reason she was targeted.”
“Perhaps. We don’t know that for sure.”
“No coincidences in your business.”
“Accurate statement.” Jesse wrapped his arm around her waist and eased Simone against his side. She leaned against him. Man, he could so get used to having this woman in his arms. The feel of her against him was addictive.
Jesse dialed the police and reported the break-in. Although he didn’t hold out much home that the Sayulita police were good at their jobs, he planned to wrap this case up as soon as possible so Joy was no longer under suspicion because of her association with him and Simone.
When he ended the call, Jesse wrapped his other arm around Simone and held her close. “Are you okay?”
She shook her head.