Page 31 of Death Wish

“The usual. A yearning for adventure and to get away from a boyfriend who was possessive and mean.”

“Is he still bothering you?”

“Not since I left California. The last I heard, he’d hooked up with my former best friend. Good luck to her, is all I have to say. I wouldn’t wish Chip on anybody.”

“Was he involved with her while he was still with you?”

Her smile was wistful. “How did you guess?”

“Familiar story. You’re better off without him.”

“Oh, I know. Believe me. Doesn’t make me any less lonely, though.”

“I can’t believe one man at DA isn’t interested in you,” Simone said.

Her friend crumpled her napkin. “I’ve had a few offers but I’m afraid to accept, though. I don’t really know the men who asked me out. What if they’re creeps, too?”

“If you’ll give me a list of their names, I’ll do a background check on them,” Jesse said.

Joy’s eyes widened. “Really? You’d do that for me?”

“Women can’t be too careful these days. I’ll be glad to help.”

“Thanks, Jesse. Are you sure you don’t have a single brother somewhere?”

He laughed. “I’m sorry.”

“Too bad.” Joy took a pen from her purse, grabbed a clean paper napkin, jotted down a list of four names, and slid them across the table to Jesse. “I appreciate this. Are you sure you won’t get into trouble?”

“I’ll be fine. Are you ladies ready to go?” When they nodded, he stood and helped both of them to their feet.

After paying the bill, he escorted them outside. “We’ll follow you home, Joy.”

“You don’t have to do that. I don’t live too far from here.”

“We want to be sure you get home safely.”

She looked surprised. “Thanks.”

Jesse wrapped his arm around Simone’s waist and walked with the women toward their vehicles in the parking lot.

They stepped into an aisle of vehicles. Somewhere close, an engine revved and tires squealed.

A vehicle’s headlights were flipped to the bright setting. The vehicle raced directly toward them.


JESSE SHOVED JOY into the space between two vehicles, grabbed Simone, and rushed toward safety.

Joy screamed.

Simone didn’t make a sound as they hurtled to safety but her grip was tight around him as though making sure he didn’t stay behind.

Once they were safe, Jesse turned with his weapon drawn and aimed at the vehicle barreling past.

No shot.

He kept his weapon aimed at the vehicle as the large SUV raced from the parking lot into the main street and disappeared.