She nodded. “Let’s do this.” The sooner they found the programmer and destroyed the program, the better. Maybe all the talk about Trevor last night had spooked Simone, but she felt as though her skin was crawling. “I feel like we’re being watched.” Her face flushed. “Aside from Artemis, I mean. Am I being paranoid?”
“I hope so.” He sent off a text and received a reply within seconds. “No sign of anyone watching the house. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Always pay attention to your gut, Simone. If you feel like something is wrong, it probably is.”
He opened the door and stepped out on the patio to scan the area. The sun was just beginning to turn the sky a dark gray. “Clear.” Jesse clasped her hand in his and tugged her outside. Once he locked the door, Jesse escorted her to the SUV and helped her inside. After she put on her seatbelt, he circled the vehicle while watching a gadget in his hand.
Satisfied with what he saw, the medic slid the plastic device into his pocket, climbed behind the wheel, and headed toward Dragon Alley.
“Why did you circle the SUV?” Simone asked. “What were you looking for?”
“Unwanted electronic signatures.”
Her heart lurched. “A bomb? But no one followed us here, and the women didn’t see anyone.”
“Someone tried. I lost them. As much as I trust Artemis, your safety is at risk.”
“I hate this, Jesse. I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder constantly, and I don’t want you in danger because of me.”
“I’m exactly where I want to be.”
“In the line of fire?”
“By your side. Anywhere, anytime with you is worth every risk.”
Tears pricked Simone’s eyes. “Are you real?”
He chuckled. “Yeah, sweetheart. I’m real. Why?”
“You’re everything I dreamed a man in my life would be. No one else has come close.”
“Lucky for me, you’ve been dating the wrong guys.” For the rest of the short drive, Jesse asked her questions about the work she’d been doing.
“Grunt work.” She scowled. “In order for me to have an inroad into the special projects group, I need to be noticed. Grunt work won’t do it.”
“Things will turn around soon. Don’t worry. DA won’t allow outstanding talent to go to waste.”
“I hope you’re right. Otherwise, I might have to see about doing some night work at DA so I can poke around.”
“Not without me to watch over you. Non-negotiable, Simone.”
They arrived at Dragon Alley’s campus a few minutes later, checked in with the gate guard, and drove to their assigned spot.
Once again, Jesse circled the hood to open Simone’s door and help her from the vehicle. “Remember yesterday’s performance?”
Boy, did she. A smoking-hot kiss that wasn’t an actual kiss. She nodded.
“Same song, second verse, okay?”
“You think someone is watching us?”
“I know they are. I saw a curtain move in a window on the fourth floor. The watcher hasn’t moved.”
“Go for it, Jesse.” She smiled. “Let’s give him or her a genuine show.”
He cupped her nape. “Are you sure?”
“Oh, no, baby. Just not sure you know what you’re asking for.”