Page 25 of Death Wish

“You got it. They’ll appreciate the food. Standing watch all night is boring as dirt.”

“Unless something exciting happens.”

“There’s that. I’m glad the night was quiet for all of us.” He grabbed his phone and shot off a text. Seconds later, he received a response. “On their way.”

She glanced at Jesse. “I hope you don’t mind chocolate chips in the pancakes because that’s my favorite kind.”

“Who doesn’t love chocolate?”

Oh, man. Definite brownie points for Jesse.

A knock announced their guests.

Jesse unlocked the door. “Come in, ladies.”

“Smells amazing,” Iona said. She motioned to the other woman. “Simone, this is Tegan, my teammate.”

“Thanks for watching over us last night,” Simone said. “Take a seat. Jesse, carry the platter to the table while I get the plates and forks.”

Jesse did as she asked. “Do you want coffee or something else?” he asked their guests.

“Coffee for me,” Iona said. “Hot tea or chocolate for Tegan. She’s the only one of us who doesn’t live, eat, and breathe coffee.”

Tegan laughed. “What can I say? I have excellent taste.”

Simone handed out plates and forks, then returned to the refrigerator for maple syrup. While the coffee finished brewing, she hunted through the pantry until she found a variety box of herbal tea.

Mint tea sounded like a winner to her. Hopefully, Tegan would like that one. She grabbed the packet, filled a mug with bottled water, dumped the tea bag in the water, and nuked it. A minute later, she set the tea in front of Tegan. “Do you want sugar or something else for the tea?”

Tegan shook her head. “This is perfect. Thanks, Simone.”

She joined the others at the table. “Jesse said the night was boring.”

The two women exchanged glances. “We saw the same SUV twice.” Iona shrugged. “Could be a neighbor coming and going to various places.”

“Or not,” Jesse said.

“We sent the license plate number to Riley. She hasn’t gotten back to us yet. We’ll let you know when she does.”

“If she can’t track it down by tonight, let me know,” Simone said. “I can check into it.”

“No worries.” Iona sipped her coffee. “Riley’s not in your league but she’s pretty good with computers.”

“Offer’s always open.”

They finished breakfast minutes later, and Iona and Tegan shooed Simone out of the kitchen. “You cooked. We’ll clean,” Tegan said.

“What about the rest of your teammates? Will they want pancakes, too?”

Iona shook her head. “They’re already working on breakfast for themselves. Thanks, though.”

“Sure.” Simone glanced at Jesse. “I’ll be ready to leave in fifteen minutes.”

“Good. I’ll walk you to the cubicle farm and look around before anyone else arrives.”

While she was freshening up, Iona and Tegan returned to their watch until they were relieved by two of their teammates. Simone found Jesse waiting for her in the kitchen. “Who’s watching the house while we’re working today?”

“Riley and Rayne. You ready?”