Page 22 of Death Wish

“Iona Byrne, leader of Artemis.”

“Do we have a problem?”

“If we did, Iona would have said as much.” Pushing just a little more, Jesse kissed Simone’s cheek and released her.

A knock sounded on the back door.

Jesse unlocked it and motioned Iona inside. “How’s it going out there?”

“Quiet.” The woman smiled at Simone and held out her hand. “I’m Iona, a member of Artemis. Brent sent me and my teammates to watch over you and Jesse.”

“I’m Simone. Thanks for keeping us safe.”

Iona shook her head. “That’s Jesse’s job. We’re here for backup and to make sure your bodyguard/boyfriend sleeps at night.”

Simone’s eyes widened as she swung around to face Jesse. “Why wouldn’t you sleep?”

“Your safety is my priority.”

“I could have helped you keep watch. You already know I sleep little myself.”

“You can’t afford to have brain fog, sweetheart. The success of this operation depends on your brain working at top speed.”

Her cheeks flushed. “It’s still not right for you to do all the heavy lifting on this mission when I can watch to see if someone approaches the house.”

“That’s our job,” Iona said. “We each have a role to play, Simone.” She turned to Jesse. “Anything we should know?”

“Picked up and lost a tail from Dragon Alley today.”

“Making someone nervous on your first day?”

He shrugged. “I don’t think it’s me. The program is attracting a lot of interest. The people involved will suspect anyone new, especially someone with Simone’s skills.”

“Biased much?”

“Nope. Honest. Simone is in Zane’s league.”

“High praise. I’ll be on watch tonight with Tegan. Sleep, Jesse. We have your six. You and your lady are safe with us.”

“Appreciate it. Need any food or coffee?”

She shook her head. “We’re set. Thanks for the offer, though.” Iona glanced at Simone. “If anything happens overnight, follow Jesse’s orders to the letter. Between us, we’ll get you out. Description of the vehicle that tailed you, Jesse?”

He rattled off the description as well as what he’d been able to see of the occupants. “Whoever followed us is not hugging the poverty line. The vehicle looked retrofitted.”

“A lot of money is at stake. They don’t want to lose control of the situation and the money that comes with selling out American patriots.”

“You think the people following us work at DA?” Simone asked.

“Makes the most sense. They work there or were hired by someone who does.”

She sighed. “Must be someone higher up the food chain. Employees are paid well but not enough to pay for hired muscle like that. How am I supposed to figure out who that person is and who the programmer is?”

“Focus on the programmer,” Iona advised. “If Jesse can’t persuade him or her to give up the name of the boss, one of us will.” She smiled. “We enjoy playing hardball.” A minute later, Iona was gone.

Simone shook her head. “That woman is intimidating. I believe she can handle anything thrown her way.”

Jesse chuckled. “You’d be right. You stopped working to take a break. Do you need a snack, water, more coffee?”