The two women walked to the front of the room where several tables of food were set up with food service workers manning the stations and refilling serving dishes as needed.
Simone’s eyes widened at the assortment of food. “They have this kind of spread going all the time?”
Joy nodded. “I’ve had to work late into the night before when my project was on a deadline. When I took a break to investigate the food offerings, I scored apple pie and vanilla ice cream and coffee for my snack.”
“Excellent choice.”
“Can’t beat sugar, caffeine, and ice cream for energy.”
Jesse walked up to Simone. “Hi, babe.” He bent his head and brushed his lips over hers.
Good grief. She’d never get used to that simple gesture of affection, fake or not. Fire sizzled in her veins every time he kissed her.
She glanced at his uniform. “You look sharp.”
“You’re biased.”
“Maybe.” Definitely. Jesse Phelps was smoking hot. A nudge from Joy reminded Simone she’d promised to introduce her new friend to Jesse. “This is my mentor, Joy. Joy, this is Jesse Porterfield, my boyfriend.”
“Hopefully, soon to be her husband,” Jesse said, smiling as he shook Joy’s hand. “My woman has a stubborn streak.”
Simone laughed. “Told you.”
“I’m glad to meet you, Joy.”
“Same here.”
They selected their meals and carried loaded trays to a nearby table. Jesse pulled out Simone’s chair for her and did the same for Joy. Once Jesse seated them, he took their glasses and filled them with iced tea.
“You weren’t kidding about him being protective,” Joy whispered. “You’re a lucky woman, Simone.”
“I know.”
“So, why aren’t you jumping into marriage with him? If you don’t, some other woman will take him up on the offer. He’s too good to pass up.”
“I’m skittish,” she said, opting for the truth. This question hadn’t been in the arsenal of background information Zane had created for her. “I was in a terrible relationship before I met Jesse. I don’t want to make a mistake like that again.”
Joy’s hand wrapped around Simone’s, and she squeezed. “I’m sorry. Looks like you got a good one this time, though.”
“I did.” She wrinkled her nose. “However, I don’t want to be too accommodating. Jesse will appreciate the challenge of having to win my heart.” Simone laughed. “Truthfully, he’s already got my heart. I just want him to work at catching me.”
“Smart woman.”
Jesse set two glasses of tea in front of the ladies and placed the final filled glass in front of his plate. “What did I miss?”
“I was telling Joy why I’m leading you on a merry chase instead of giving in and marrying you.”
“Yeah? Enlighten me, too. That way I’ll be able to come up with better arguments why you should do what we both want, anyway.”
“Bad breakup before I met you.”
He froze, his gaze locking with hers. “How bad?” In the depths of his eyes was the real question he wanted to ask and couldn’t in front of Joy. Was this real or made up for Joy’s benefit?
“I ended up in a hospital for a week when The Jerk lost his temper. I filed charges and had him arrested for assault and battery. The cops delivered the message that I was finished with him when they arrested The Jerk, and that he was never to set foot on my property again.”
“How did he take it?”
“Not well. He doesn’t want to take no for an answer.”