Page 11 of Death Wish

“Can’t argue with that logic. Does it have more than one bedroom?”

He turned off the engine. “Don’t know. We’ll deal with the accommodations, whatever they are. If there’s only one bedroom, I’ll sleep on the floor.”

“You can’t do that,” Simone protested. “We’re in a tropical climate. You might share the floor with scorpions and snakes.”

Jesse laughed. “I’ll search the room before I lay down. Stay here while I check things out. You’ll be safe inside the vehicle.” He handed her a key fob. “If anything happens, get out of here and drive to the American consulate. They’ll keep you safe until a Fortress team arrives to help.”

“I’m not leaving you alone to face off with thugs. We’re a team. We stick together.”

“Do you remember Zane’s orders?”

She scowled. “Yeah, yeah. Do what I’m told.”

“It’s for your safety and mine. I’m well trained, Simone. I’ll be fine, especially if I know you’re safe.”

“I don’t feel right about leaving you, so let’s not put those orders to the test.”

Stubborn lady. “Stay here. I’ll be back soon.” He exited the SUV and locked the doors before doing a circuit around the house. Everything appeared to be in good order. No obvious signs of tampering around the doors or windows. He located the safe house key hidden behind the back porch light.

Jesse unlocked the door, palmed his weapon, and turned the knob. He slipped inside the door and waited. No sign of anyone lying in wait, a sense of disturbed air, or alarming scents. Nothing.

Room by room, he searched the home, including checking for cameras and listening devices. All was as it should be, including a refrigerator and pantry filled with food. Very nice. He and Simone shouldn’t have to eat out much. He was also pleased to see four cases of bottled water. No chance of dealing with a virus or parasite from drinking tap water.

Once he was satisfied Simone would be safe inside the house, he returned to the SUV. “Clear.”

“I’ll help you carry in our gear, then we can sleep. We have to be at work in a few hours.”

“We’ll be fine.”

“Ha. Speak for yourself. I like my sleep, thank you very much.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” So, the lady was cranky if she didn’t get enough sleep. He already knew she was a coffee addict. He’d have to keep her well supplied.

Jesse carried his bags into the small guest bedroom and dropped them on the bed, then returned to the kitchen where Simone was peering into the refrigerator. “Hungry?”

“A little.”

“So am I. How does an omelet sound?”

“Like heaven.”

“I’ll whip up a couple after I set your bags in your room.”

She turned. “There are two rooms?”

“Yes, ma’am. You’ll be staying in the main bedroom.” He carried her bags to her room, then returned to find Simone whipping eggs together in a bowl. “You cook?”

“Since I like to eat, cooking is one of my favorite pastimes.”

“Same here. What do you like in your omelet?”

“Anything. I’m not picky.”

He got to work washing and chopping a bell pepper, onion, and tomato and returned to the refrigerator for a block of cheese. After locating a grater, he shredded enough cheddar cheese for two omelets.

Jesse found a saucepan and cooked the pepper and onions until they were soft.

“Ready for the vegetables?”