“Don’t worry,” Ripper purrs, keeping his calloused fingers against my soft skin. “It’s why I’m touchin’ you like this right now, and call me Rip. I liked when you did that earlier, plus it’ll seem like it’s a nickname only you call me. In the meantime, I’ll plant some easter eggs with the guys. Bama’s always yapping like a teenage girl. He’ll spread it like wildfire.”
“Sometimes I don’t understand him,” I reply, a grin tugging at my lips.
Most men I know aren’t chatterboxes like Bama, but he’s really close with a lot of the ladies.
The thought of the club buzzing with rumors fills and the news getting back to my father makes me happier than I want to admit.
“Just remember,” Ripper adds, his tone softening, “we’re in this together. Whatever happens, I’ve got your back, and you’ve got mine.”
“Damn straight,” I say, meeting his gaze.
For the first time in what feels like forever, I feel like I’m not alone in this fight.
And as crazy as it sounds, having Ripper by my side gives me a sense of support I didn’t know I needed.
“Anytime, Tara,” he replies, giving me a wink. “Now, let’s shake things up.”
I nod, looking back at Laura. “Is that box of treats ready?”
Laura closes the lid to the box and places it in a bag. “It is now. I also put a couple of cold sandwiches in there as well, just in case you don’t want something sweet.”
Ripper takes his hand away from my face, “Thank you, Laura, I appreciate that.”
Ripper goes over to Laura and takes the bag from her.
He fishes his wallet out of his pants and starts to pay, until I walk up and shove his hand back. “No, you’re not paying. This is my treat.”
Ripper shakes his head in amusement, “I can pay for this, you know,” Ripper presses his lips against my ear and whispers. “If you want to give me some perks, I’m sure there’s somethin’ else we can arrange.”
I jab Ripper in the side with my elbow, “You wish.”
Ripper chuckles, “Oh, yes I do.”
I might be playful right now, but I did enjoy that night together. It was amazing, hot, soul drenching sex.
Honestly, it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. If the opportunity came up again, I’d probably sleep with him. I’m not going to act like I would, though.
I walk away from Ripper and head behind the counter. “Tell Bama I said hi,”
Ripper nods and walks out of Tart, looking sexy as sin.
What the hell am I getting myself into?
I push open the door to Bama’s hospital room, the sterile smell of antiseptics hitting me like a wall.
I tell you, I will never get used to the way hospitals smell.
The beeping of machines and the faint hum of fluorescent lights fill the air, but it’s the sight of Bama lying in that bed that really gets me.
His stomach is a mess of drains and bandages.
I clench my fists, trying to keep my anger in check, but I have so much rage built up within me.
“Well, don’t you look like shit,” I mutter, stepping closer to his bed. My voice carries a mix of sarcasm and genuine concern.