Page 37 of Exquisite Death

We’ve been friends for years, yet he chose to take the word of a man who’s hurt him repeatedly. A cold shiver races down my spine when I think of Thane.

The vibration of my cell phone startles me, and when I see Tarian’s name on the screen, I ignore the call.

The taxi pulls up to the front entrance of the mansion I grew up in. Being home feels both strange and welcome.

Once inside, I find the house empty as usual. I make my way up to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. The silence hangs heavily over me, reminding me I’m totally alone. The months spent in sunshine will soon be a distant memory, and now I’m done with Tarian, or rather, he’s done with me, I’m not sure what to do with myself.

Flopping onto the bed, I lie back against the pillow and try to rest. But each time I close my eyes, a pair of blue ones haunt me. It’s a cruel reminder of what I’ve lost. I should never have allowed us to take the next step and have sex, because it’s fucked up a friendship that has been holding me together for years.

Tears burn my eyes, and I swipe at them in frustration. I’ve always known there would come a time when my friendship with Tarian would be too painful to bear and I’d have to leave. Over the years, I’ve prepared myself for the possibility that one day he could fall for one of his random hookups. The thought of him loving someone else has always tormented me, but this is worse. The fact we were intimate makes the heartbreak so much harder to bear than I ever imagined.

I’m not sure why Tarian would ever think that I’d be interested in Thane. But the fact he believed his uncle over me breaks my heart.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and when I pull it out, I see Ares’ name on the screen. I don’t particularly want to talk to him, but I know I’m going to have to face the Crowns at some point.


“Hey darling,” Ares greets, and I can hear the smile on his face. It’s frustrating that I’ve grown up beside these boys, and I still feel like an outsider. “Is Tarian back?”

“I don’t know.” I’m aware my tone doesn’t sound overly friendly, but I can’t bring myself to talk about the bastard.

“What’s happened?” Ares’ concern makes me smile, just a bit, because the affection I can hear in his voice is reassuring.

“He’s been an asshole. I’ve tried helping him get through shit, but I can’t do it anymore. There is only so much I can take.” I don’t want to tell Ares about Tarian and me sleeping together, but I know the secret will come out eventually.

“That’s nothing new.” Ares chuckles. “Listen, I know he can be hard work, but?—”

“No, Ares. This time there are no buts. I can’t do it anymore.” I shake my head as I speak, trying to convince myself as much as Ares that I need to get away from Tarian. But there is no escape. There can never be unless I leave Tynewood for good.

“Did you two have sex?” If I’d been drinking something right now, that question would have made me choke on it. The fact Ares has already jumped to that conclusion makes me want to crawl into a dark hole and hide. “I know that’s what must have happened because it’s the only reason he would lose his shit.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I respond as I push off the bed and make my way onto the balcony that overlooks our gardens.

There’s a cool breeze that cools me. It’s a welcome feeling from the heat that’s been burning me since the incident with Tarian.

Ares sighs on the other end of the phone, and I feel as if I’m missing something.

“The asshole is in love with you, Grecia. He’s been obsessed with you since we were at college.” Ares chuckles, and I can imagine him shaking his head at the thought of his best friend.

Ares, Etienne, and Tarian are more like brothers to be honest, and I know they’ll stand by each other for life. Maybe Ares is trying to coax me into forgiving Tarian’s outburst, but I can’t.

“What?” I throw back my response in shock.

“I’m not lying to you, Grecia,” he tells me, and I can hear his voice has taken on a serious tone.

“I… I’m not…” There is no response I can come up with that can express what’s racing through my mind right now.

“Will you tell me what happened?”

I don’t want to, but maybe Ares can explain what the hell Tarian was thinking when he believed his asshole uncle over me.

“Well, I—” The moment I start speaking, my bedroom door is shoved open, and there, standing on the threshold, is Tarian fucking Calvert. “I have to go.”

I hang up before Ares can respond. My gaze is locked on the man who looks like he’s been through hell and back, but I don’t care… well, I don’t want to care.

I have to force myself not to go to him or ask if he’s okay. I shouldn’t want to know. He told me to leave, and I did. I thought that was the last I’d see of him. I certainly never expected him to turn up in my bedroom with a look of contrition on his face.

“Get the fuck out, Tarian.”