Page 30 of Exquisite Death

When I finally pull away, I look into her eyes.

“I’m taking you back to Thane’s. Right now.” My words hold a promise of what’s to come.

“What about?—”

“You’re not spending another minute in the company of Damien Thorne,” I tell her adamantly.

Even if dinner is being served and we’re expected to stay, I can’t. It’s time I show Grecia who I truly am.

When we reach the foyer, we find Thane talking to Damien there. They each have a drink in their hand and look unperturbed at the way I’m speeding toward them.

“We’re leaving,” I inform Thane without casting a glance toward Damien.

My uncle turns his attention away from the conversation, his focus solely on me.

“Oh?” Thane’s dark brow arches at me. “I believe we’re about to have dinner.”

“Grecia and I are both tired and would be more comfortable in your house,” I tell him.

It’s a lie, but it’s the only place we can go right now. I need to get Grecia alone, and I have to figure out these emotions that are currently coursing through me.

Thane smirks.

Damien chuckles.

Confused, my gaze flits between them.

“Sure,” Thane finally responds. “Eduardo will take you to the house. No snooping around, though,” he warns, which has me on high alert. If I were to snoop around, would there be anything to find?

“I don’t give a shit about your stuff, Thane,” I bite out, attempting to make it seem like his comment hasn’t fazed me. But it has. It’s made me wonder if there’s anything else he’s hiding from me.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” he mutters, but before I can get pulled into an argument, I’m already out the door, dragging Grecia behind me.

Our drive back to Thane’s is completed in silence.

I’m on edge and spend the entire journey fearing Grecia’s about to run off, and I’ll lose her forever. I know she will leave eventually. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take before she decides I’m not good enough for her. It will happen at some point, and then I’ll never forgive myself for going there with her.

The tension radiating from her is palpable, but I don’t make a move to touch her, and she doesn’t move closer to me. With the truth so newly out there between us, I’m feeling nervous and I’m guessing she is too. We’ve been a part of each other’s lives for so long now, and I can’t pinpoint when things changed between us, but they did. And now, we’re going to take a step into the unknown.

For years, I’ve kept myself distracted with random girls whose families weren’t part of the Sovereign in Tynewood. I didn’t want to mess with the chain of command, and I didn’t need to bring trouble to my door, so I also steered clear of one-night-stands who wanted to learn more about the society.

The existence of the Gilded Sovereign is common knowledge in our small town. Everyone is aware of who the members are, but they don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Our families have always made sure to keep our secrets well hidden.

With Grecia, it’s different because she is the daughter and stepdaughter of Elders. She knows all about the violence and destruction that come with being a Crown, and she understands what it’s like to have to keep things from the people around you. It’s the main reason we don’t make friends with anyone outside our circle.

As soon as the town car pulls to a stop outside Thane’s house, my chest tightens. Having exited the vehicle, I offer Grecia my hand and lead her up to the front door. It’s opened by the housekeeper who allows us in.

In the living room, I let go of Grecia’s hand and make my way to the liquor cabinet to pour us both a drink. We’ll need it if we’re going to talk about feelings. More so for me than for her.

I settle on the sofa, my gaze locked on hers. I watch as she sips the whiskey I’ve given her and note the wince on her pretty face at the burn of the alcohol.

“What are we doing?” she asks, and in that moment, I want nothing more than for her to reassure me and tell me this is going to work.

I haven’t told the guys I’m lonely. I hate that I am. I’ve been aware of feeling isolated for a long while now, but I don’t allow it to affect me. Instead, I keep pushing it to the back of my mind.

“Drinking,” I reply as I raise my glass.

She doesn’t move. I want her to come to me, to kiss me, to do something. But I don’t ask, and she doesn’t take the lead. All the confidence I had earlier is ebbing away because I know it’s no longer possible for me to walk away, and the moment we take the next step, I’m not going to want her to be with anyone else ever again.