Page 40 of Exquisite Death

“Then you can’t give up,” Philipe tells me. “If this is as real as you say it is, then you need to show her you’re not some pushover who walks away at the first sign of trouble. You’re one of the Crowns. It’s time for you to step up, take your place in the Sovereign, and get back the woman you love.”


I haven’t mentioned the word, but as it falls from Philipe’s lips, I realize that maybe he’s right.

I’m not sure if I love Grecia, but I can’t deny there are strong feelings there. After spending the night with her, something changed between us, and it seems to be permanent, despite what’s happened since.

“You need to give her space,” Philipe says, his expression resolute. “Let her process everything on her own terms. And after you’ve given her some time, you can try reaching out again, but don’t force it.”

Etienne nods in agreement. “In the meantime, focus on yourself. Try to figure out why you jumped to conclusions, and why you let your insecurities cloud your judgment. Thane was involved, so maybe that’s why you reacted so harshly.”

I nod as the weight of my mistakes bear down upon me like a lead weight.

“I hate that I hurt her. When I went to her house, I could see in her eyes all the pain I’ve caused. Thane is a bastard for what he made me believe.”

Ares shrugs. “Maybe he had a reason for doing what he did.”

“What?” Etienne and I both respond together.

“I mean, there must be a reason he kissed her. It’s obvious he’s trying to get under your skin. Have you asked yourself why?” Ares is making absolute sense. Which is saying something, considering he’s always the hot-headed, unreasonable bastard of the three of us.

Etienne leans forward, his elbows on his thighs.

“Listen, you can’t change the past, Tar,” he says. “But you can learn from it and do better in the future. Grecia needs more time, but if your feelings for each other are true, she’ll come around eventually. In the meantime, we need to figure out what the fuck Thane is up to.”

With a heavy heart and a soul weighed down by regret, I nod in agreement with my friend. I know the road ahead is going to be filled with more challenges and shit from my family’s past, but with Ares, Etienne, and Philipe on my side, I feel a glimmer of hope.

Even though the shadows of doubt threaten to consume me, I know I can figure this out, and when I do, I can finally get rid of my uncle for good.

I’m still not sure where my mother is, but I have feeling she’ll make another appearance when we least expect it.

“I need to know more about Thane’s recent business dealings with the mafia,” Philipe tells us. “There are rumors, but no one seems to know what he’s planning. I’m concerned he’s going to make a move to take over my territories.”

It’s no secret that Thane has been working with the Italian mafia. I don’t know what he’s been doing for them, but my uncle’s well known for causing shit wherever he goes.

“Why don’t you ask the mafia for help?”

Philipe grins. “I have. They sent me here and asked me to find him. He hasn’t been in touch with any of his business connections for a while, which has them worried.”

“He’s been too busy shacking up with my mother,” I bite out in anger.

The fact that she’s been living a lavish lifestyle while I was mourning her death grates on me.

“Listen,” Ares pipes up. “I don’t want you feeling like you’re somehow to blame for what your mother did. She’s a fucking idiot for walking out on you and faking her own death. She was the one who cared more about Thane’s dick than spending time with her son, so don’t put that shit on yourself.”

Ares is a tell-it-like-it-is type of person. He doesn’t care if he’s being crass. I’m used to it.

“She left three letters with Thane, and when I was there, he allowed me to read them. She explained some of the shit she went through with Dad, but still, I can’t get over the fact she let me believe she was dead all those years.”

“Letters to you?” Etienne asks as he watches me.

I don’t want to go into any details with them, but I have to tell them something. “One for me, yeah, but there was also one to my father and one to Thane. There were some things in them that didn’t make sense. Things only she can explain.”

“So, you need to see her.” Ares shrugs as if it’s as easy as calling my mother and asking her to come around. That’s not something I want to do. But thinking about it now, maybe that’s exactly what I should do.

“I’m still angry she came back. I really don’t want to meet her, but I’m not sure I’ve got much choice. I do know my father wanted me to become a Crown, and he stated in his will that I was to be raised in Tynewood so I could take my place in the Sovereign. My mother says in her letters that she wanted to abide by my father’s wishes, which is why she left me here.”

“It still doesn’t explain why she wanted you to think she was dead. Maybe it’s time we show her just how Crowns work,” Etienne tells me, and I know he’s right.