They lean over the book and complete the page and flip to the next. Nicolai’s eyebrows shoot up and Ethan looks like he’s in deep thought. “Let’s have Grace announce the meeting and then we will escort her to the border as our wolves.” Ethan says as he looks between me and Nicolai.

“We’ll talk to her when she wakes up from her nap. I don’t want to assume that she’s willing to expose herself to both packs.” I look towards the back door and who is standing there? The Luna in question. I move quickly to open the back door and Grace and the puppies come trotting out with Conrad and Barrett behind them. Grace takes the puppies into the yard and, sure enough, the little ones had to go to the bathroom.

Grace walks back over to us and shifts fluidly and accepts Ethan’s button-down shirt from him. “What do you guys have planned? I heard something about the blending of the packs and needing the Moon Wolf.” She rubs her stomach and steals the book from Ethan before he can pull it away from her.

I watch as her eyes scan the page and she bites her bottom lip, eliciting a growl from Ethan. Narrowing her eyes, she looks over at him then focuses on the book again. Her eyebrows shoot up for a moment, then she reaches out and takes Nic’s hand and places it on her stomach. I can tell the minute he feels the baby move, his eyes flash golden for several seconds, then back to normal.

“From what Ruby told me, as it gets closer to my third trimester, I may lose my ability to summon my wolf.” Grace looks deep into my eyes and I can tell the thought frightens her, even though she’s not showing it. “We need to unite the packs before I can’t shift.” Her eyes move from mine over to my brother, then over to Nic, before looking back at me again.

“I agree. It would offer more security for you and the babies. Luna's gifts can only do so much in the face of a rogue alpha.” Several heartbeats pass and that’s when I realize my error. Grace looks like a deer frozen in headlights and I have Ethan yelling in my head to fix it. Reaching out, I pull a very stiff Grace into my arms and run my fingers through her hair.

“You have four very strong alphas, one of which is almost feral.” Ethan grins when I call him feral and it almost concerns me. We will do everything in our power to keep you and the babies safe.” I press my lips to her temple and breathe in her scent as it changes back to normal.

Grace snuggles in closer and rests her head on my chest finally. Our baby kicks and it makes me laugh. “Naughty little one, don’t kick your daddy,” Grace whispers as she reaches down to rub her stomach. She turns her attention on Ethan and waves him over, and places his hand on her stomach. The little one moves again and gets both of us to laugh. The flash of Nic’s camera makes Grace look up. He turns the phone around so we can see the picture. “I love it Nic, it’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” He says before moving closer. “I’ll call my betas to come here so we can figure out how to move forward.” Nic scoots forward and kisses Grace’s temple before walking off into the garden to make his phone calls.

“Let’s get you fed and prepare for this meeting we need to have. Ethan, let’s gather our betas and get our route planned.” Ethan rolls his eyes and grabs the book and heads into the house with Conrad and Barrett, bringing the puppies inside.

“I thought we were getting me food?” Grace tilts her head, looking up at me.

“We are. Go get changed and we’ll go out to lunch where ever you would like to go.” Grace beams up at me before heading into the house ahead of me. Shaking my head, I go inside and find Conrad and Barrett at the table, feeding the babies. “I’m taking Grace out to lunch. We need to plan a dinner for our betas and Nic’s when they arrive.”

“We should host it in the pack house.” Barrett offers and tilts his head to the side.

“Yeah?” I’m not sure I’m following where he’s going with that idea.

“Well, this is Grace’s safe place. Her den.” He arches an eyebrow at me, then it makes sense.

Nodding, I look down the hall when I hear her feet on the stairs on her way down. “Good call, the pack house it is. We have eight betas and Nic has six, so seating enough for twenty.” I look down at my phone when I send the text message setting dinner for six pm. I send a similar message to Nic so that his people are aware of the dinner time and location.

Grace rounds the corner in the cutest baby doll dress and flats and I swear my heart almost stopped in my chest. She giggles as she twists back and forth, making Ethan drop his drink and set the phone down. I place a hand in the center of my brother’s chest and stop him from approaching our mate. “I’m taking her to lunch first, then we can do whatever dirty thought popped into your head.”

“I’m holding you to that, Griff.” He slaps me on the chest before turning and leaving the kitchen.

Grace turns and heads towards the front door and I follow her without question. Once on the porch, she stops and stares at our vehicles. Usually I take the truck everywhere, but with all things considered, I grabbed the keys to Conrad’s armored car. A year ago I would have yelled at him for wasting money on bullet proof glass and bomb proof armor on the car. But with the attempts on our mate’s life lately, it was money well invested.

Reaching out, I take ahold of Grace’s hand and lead her to the car and help her get comfortable and buckle her in place. When I’m sure she’s secured, I run around to the driver’s side and get in.

“Where are we going, Griff?” Grace tilts her head as she turns in her seat to face me.

“It’s a surprise.” I smile at her and put the car in gear. We have one of the best steak houses not far off pack lands I plan to take her to. It’s in what we call neutral territory and other packs frequent it. Ambrose and Dustin are set to have lunch there today, and it’s a perfect time to rope those two Alphas into our master plan as back up.

Ambrose has taken to Grace and has sworn to protect her and her bloodline for the rest of his life. An alpha doesn’t make a commitment like that unless he means it. To break that kind of bond would mean losing his position as alpha and possibly his life. We pull up to the restaurant and Grace lights up, pointing at Ambrose’s car.

“Ambrose is here?” She squeals and covers her ears, instantly regretting her life choices.

“Yes, it’s part of the reason I brought us here. We can handle business and pleasure at the same time. Dustin will be with him and it’s good to make friends with the other alphas, all things considered.” Grace nods and I exit the car to go retrieve her. I can only hope this impromptu meeting goes off without a hitch. We need all the allies we can get at this point.

Chapter 21


-Black Sheep—Dorothy-

Griffin is on a mission with Grace to secure others for the joining of the packs. My gut tells me that some wolves on both sides will have issues with Grace being Luna for both packs. Our wolves are quite protective of their Luna and the idea of them sharing her, I don’t think will go over too well.

“Con?” Looking up, I see Barrett looking at me oddly.