"Good, Gidge. Because even though you hate it, I really do know what's best for you right now." He leans down and kisses me, his hands lingering for just a moment on my hips, then pulls back. "I have to go pack, but I'll come by in the morning and say goodbye before I leave, OK?"


"The cameras are in every room except the bathroom, but there's one outside the door—they wanted to be able to see you getting ready, I guess."


"Just keep the door closed and you'll have privacy."

Great, so the only place in my tiny apartment where I can be alone is in my bathroom with that godawful claw-foot tub that I hate.

"You're gonna be OK?"

I sigh. "I'm sure I will, I mean, I'm not happy, but I'm gonna live, right?"

"No more contracts," he whispers as he kisses me again. "No more." I nod in agreement as he tears himself away and opens my door. "See ya in the morning, Gidge."

I give him a smile for being so helpful and concerned. "Later, Larue."

He laughs and walks back to the studio.

I go inside and find each and every camera. They are little mirrored dome things. I walk up to each one—three in the living room, one in the hallway outside the bathroom, and one just outside of the bedroom, pointing at my bed. I stick my tongue out at each one, then rearrange my bedroom furniture so that camera that thought it was gonna watch me sleep has a very limited view.

It might not give me total privacy, but at least that eyeball isn't beaming directly down on me anymore.

I change in the bathroom, then turn out the lights and lie in bed, totally creeped out.

Chapter Four - RONIN

Ford is waiting near the studio windows when I walk in, his back to me, his stick-up-his-ass posture as erect as ever. It's been years and still the sight of him makes me want to punch his face in.

"Where'd you find her?" he asks without turning around.

"She found me."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's a nice girl, Ford. So stay back. She'll do her job, don't worry."

"I'm not worried. So, where are you off to?"

"Clare. She's in rehab up in Steamboat—"


"Shit, Ford. Way to be an ass**le. Have a little sympathy."

"She's been broken for how long now, Ronin? Three years? More? Hell, maybe she was never right, did that ever occur to you?"

"This time's different. She just needs some support."

"Like all the other times?"

"OK, I'm done here. You hate her, she hates you—shit, I hate you. I'll see you when I get back. And don't bother Rook, she's not handling things well right now." I don't wait for an answer, I just walk over to the stairs and head to my apartment.

"Feels like old times, don't you think?" Ford calls out after me.

"No, Ford. It doesn't." Asshole.

When I get to the top of the stairs I can hear Elise and Antoine arguing in French. I head over and punch the code on the door. They hear the beeping and immediately stop the argument. When I walk in Elise is so angry her face is bright red.

"God, what? Seriously, Elise? Stop it!"

"What's going on, Ronin? If this is part of one of your jobs, leave us out of it!"

"It's not! Antoine, tell her. This whole project is legit! I had nothing to do with it. Do you really think I want to work with Ford and Spencer? Shit, you guys are the ones who wanted the f**king contract! I'm the one who said no! Now my f**king girlfriend's stuck in the middle, she's got no idea what I used to do, and the whole f**king thing is about to blow up in my face! There's a lot of shit that really is happening, Elise, so I do not need you accusing me of shit that's not!"

She pours herself a shot from the bar and downs it, slamming the glass on the polished wood for emphasis. "If I find out the three of you are working again, I will turn you in. Do you understand? I will not risk everything we've built here for these stupid schemes you guys cook up!"

I take a deep breath because Elise is trippin' right now. She's got every right to be wary, pissed off, even. So I just try and remain calm so she'll get over it sooner. It's no use arguing with her, because she's right.

"And I'm not about to hang out here and watch," she says, looking at me. "I'm going up to Steamboat, so you ass**les stay here and do your jobs." She looks over to Antoine. "I'll go save your niece."

She storms off and leaves us alone. Antoine wipes his face with his hands. "She's angry," he says in English. "She was not expecting Ford to be part of this deal."

"No, Antoine, she's pissed. I had no idea Ford was in on this shit either, Spencer never told me dick and he told Rook even less. And look, I love Clare just as much as you guys do, but I'm obligated to help Rook for this contract. I have to be here for her."

"Ronin, please. You're the only one Clare listens to. Give it a few days, that's all. Just a few days of your time to see that she's getting the care she needs and she's on her way back to us."

I sigh. How the hell can I say no to that? I mean, this guy—he picked Elise and me up after our lives fell apart. He's been there for me since I was ten years old. And even though I've never thought of him as a father, or even a brother for that matter, he's the closest thing I have to family aside from Elise.