I lick my lips as his hands slip inside my cape and grab my ass. I have no idea what we're supposed to be doing on this bike, but no one seems to care that we're just sitting here flirting. The camera keeps clicking and the one time I managed to pry my eyes away from Ronin I-am-sexier-than-Kurt-fucking-Russell-in-3000-Miles-to-Graceland and glance at Spencer, his teeth are practically glinting in the sunshine, that's how big his smile is.

He catches my gaze. "Now this, Rook, is what I'm talking about. I'm gonna sell a shitload of bikes with this shoot!"

I continue my task of undressing Ronin, ignoring Ronin's question about Elvis and Spencer's remark about sex selling bikes, but Ronin's still talking. "I mean, shit, Gidge, I might have to wear a costume everyday if this is what it does to you."

I laugh a little, but nothing will deter me from getting him out of this shirt right now. The last button comes undone and I slip the shirt down his shoulders a little. I suddenly notice Antoine's positive remarks. Of course, I don't understand them, but his tone is pretty clear. He's happy with my performance today as well.

I go for that big belt next, unclasping it and letting it drop to the floor with a thud, then drag the shirt down his arm, the pads of my fingertips caressing his biceps as they fall with the shirt sleeve.

He withdraws his arm and then I repeat this move on the other side, so the shirt drops to the floor next to the belt.

Now we're both naked on top, but being dressed up in paint makes it hard for me to consider myself nude. I feel dressed.

Overdressed, in fact.

As is Ronin.

When I look up Ronin's eyebrows are lifted up to his forehead. "What?"

He stretches out, easing himself down on the back fender, blue and yellow light flickering against his face. "Go for it, Gidge."

I lean down on his chest, moving forward just a little, just enough to tease myself, then sit back up, the palms of my hands dragging along his chest, across his abdomen, and then to the snap on his Elvis pants.

It clicks as I undo it.

Ronin draws in a breath.

I unzip his fly.

He lets out a moan.

I bite my lip, thinking about my next move just as Antoine barks out, "OK, we're good."

It's like he does it on purpose.

Ronin buttons his pants, sits up, grabs me under the ass, then lifts me up as he stands. He carries me up the stairs to his apartment and sets me down outside the door so he can punch in his key code, then whisks off my cape and tosses it to the floor and leads me down to the shower.

"I'm having déjà vu. How about you?"

He winks back at me. "Give it a minute. This will be nothing like this morning."

And it's not.

Ronin finishes what I started downstairs, his pants dropping to the tiled floor. He pushes some buttons on the shower control panel on the wall and brings up his favorite setting. Steam and drizzle.

When we shower together, it's like being on a tropical island.

The bucket and sponge are waiting, ready for Ronin to wash me off. He swishes the sponge in the bucket and then takes my left arm and drags the sponge down in one long swipe. My head tips back as I open my mouth to suck in a breath. Holy shit, this is just my arm!

He does the other arm, then bends down to caress my legs. "Open them a little, Gidge."

I am immediately wet right where he wants me to open up. But I do as I'm told.

He slides the sponge along the inside of my thigh, then up against my slit, parting it slightly, just enough to make me gasp. When I look down, he's smiling up.

He repeats this motion several times and each time I am so close, but just as I'm about to let it go, he pulls back, relieving the pressure. He doesn't let me come, but instead finishes my legs and moves on to my back. The sponge slides down the middle of my spine, then across my ass, and right between my legs. My clit practically has its own heartbeat right now.

When my back is clean to his satisfaction he turns me around and starts with my stomach, massaging little circles around my belly button, then sweeping down between my legs, just enough to remind me that I'm ready.

He drops the sponge in the bucket, swishes his hand around a little in the solution, then removes the paint from my br**sts with his fingertips.

When all the paint has been cleaned, he repeats every single motion with the soap and by the time he's rinsing me with the detachable shower head, I'm about to explode all over him.

It's only then, when the paint is all gone and my body is soft and sweet-smelling, that he presses himself up against me. He's been hard the entire time but when he grinds against my hips, his hands on my ass to guide me along with his motions, he is more than hard. He is solid and thick.

"I love you."

My eyes search his as I take this all in. "I'm not sure what I feel, Ronin, but I really want to say that back to you."

He slides his hand behind my neck and laces his fingers into my wet hair. "So say it."

"I love you, too."

His kiss is immediate, almost before I'm finished uttering the words he was looking for. His mouth opens and I flick my tongue against his. He devours my mouth and for a few minutes we are breathless, moaning, and grasping for one another's most sensual parts. Then he draws back and leads me out of the shower, punching buttons on the control panel to turn it off as we walk by.

I'm still dripping wet when Ronin sweeps me off my feet and sets me down on the bed. He gently lifts my legs up and pushes my thighs apart, then delves down and devours me again.