Chapter 30


-Heart of a Champion- Papa Roach, Ice Nine Kills, Hollywood Undead-

Something about the attack doesn’t sit right with me. The rogues were organized, but not completely in sync with each other. I snuggle Ashina to me as I walk among my people. Shaking my head, I laugh to myself.

I actually called the pack my people.

Up to this point in my life, I have never felt like I belonged anywhere. Griffin and Ethan come over and offer me a robe and wrap me up. I wasn’t even paying attention to the fact I was walking around naked. That’s a tremendous change for me. I listen to the guys talking about the rogues and how the attack seems planned but not well organized. It’s almost as if whoever is in charge was sending cannon fodder to test our defenses and reaction time.

Wandering through the pack, I listen to bits and pieces of conversations. Some conversations concern me. They lack faith in the Alpha’s ability to defend them. They were pleased with my response time and impressed with how I jumped into the fray so easily. My inner musings distract me enough that I don’t notice Griffin stepping into my path.

“Are you okay, baby girl? I see the blood on the robe and I…” He pauses, motioning to my right side.

Shifting my sleeping daughter to the other side, I look at the blood-soaked robe. “Just claw marks. I’ll be healed soon. Your mom went in the house to prepare food for all of us. She knew we would need to make sure the pack was safe first.”

Ethan and Conrad join us as Barrett takes my sleeping daughter from me. “Let us check the wound before the food is ready, so grumpy doesn’t lose his shit.” Conrad motions to a very tense Ethan and I finally relent and allow them to usher me into the house.

Several Betas linger in the lower level of the house, standing guard as the guys bring me upstairs. Barrett dropped my daughter off with Ruby before coming up to join us.

“Darling, I’ve got to see what was done. My wolf is damn close to ripping free from smelling your blood.” Ethan’s hand shakes as he hesitates, reaching for the robe.

I make it easier for him and untie the robe, letting it fall and pool at my feet. Four angry raised red claw marks wrap around my ribs on my right side. “It’s not bad.” As the words leave my lips, I can taste the lie on my tongue.

“Not that bad? Any deeper and he would have gotten your lungs.” It’s Griffin’s outburst that catches my attention. He’s usually the stoic pragmatic brother.

Ethan gets between Griffin and me and lets loose an inhuman growl. Black fur races down his neck and across his shoulders. Muscles bunch and pulse with the power of his shift. I press my lips between his shoulders and nuzzle his back. “He’s worried about me, Wolfie, it’s okay.”

As the adrenaline wears off, the pain increases and I know I’m not blocking it through the bond. Ethan’s head whips around and he scoops me up to carry me to the bed. “It’s not okay. You’re hurt worse than you knew because of still being pumped from the fight.”

Barrett throws down towels before Ethan lays me on my left side. His mom and the pack doctor come in and stop dead in their tracks. The Dr had seen the extent of my wounds but not their mom. The old scars from when my baby daddy tried turning me aren’t covered. Raised areas of flesh mar my torso. If I’m being honest with myself, I don’t know how I survived it. Ethan climbs up onto the bed with me and leans me back against him, and hugs my arms to my chest.

I didn’t understand why he did it until the Dr started digging into the wounds. I scream bloody murder as the forceps root around, pulling out claw fragments. The remaining pieces of the wolfs claws in my side were keeping the wounds open.

“She needs stitches.” Griffin leans in close, looking at how wide and deep the marks are.

“She needs food and rest more, Griff.” Conrad chimes in as he sends Barrett to the kitchen. “If she feeds, she’ll start healing. You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Conrad taking a stance against Griffin is a recent development.

Almost on cue, my stomach growls and Ethan chuckles behind me. “Conrad one Griffin zero.” Ethan teases as he kisses my shoulder. “Doc put a few stitches where she needs them most. I’ll personally make sure she rests today.” Ethan’s promise sounds more like a dark promise than the fluffy snuggle in bed watching movies kind of rest.

“Luna, do you agree with getting stitches?” The Dr. asks me and I’m shocked he’s going around Ethan to me.

“If it will make my Alphas happy, then yes, please give me as many stitches as you feel I need.” Ethan moves and places my head on his biceps and holds me tight to him. The next thing I know, Griffin is sitting next to my knees, holding my legs.

“As you wish Luna. Keep in mind numbing agents don’t work with us. We metabolize the chemicals too fast for them to be effective.” He winces after explaining that I can’t be numbed for the procedure.

Rolling my eyes, I hold on to Ethan the best I can with how he has my arms hostage again. “Explains why my mates are restraining me. Do it Doc.”

“You need to stay still for the Dr. it’s the only reason we’re restraining you baby girl.” There’s a sadness in Griffin’s tone and I can see it in how he won’t look at me. He almost looks ashamed of what’s about to happen.

“I’m about to start Luna. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Don’t be afraid to tell me when you need me to take a break.” I stare up at the Dr. and its now I notice his eyes are two different colors and it catches my attention. His youthful features are mildly distracting as I watch him set up.

He holds the needle with the forceps in the air, looking it over. In his free hand, he holds a swab of betadine that he rubs over the claw marks, making me scream from how much it burns. Conrad and Barrett rush into the room and watch as the needle breaks through my skin. Between the betadine and the burning pull of the needle with thread, I feel like I’m being set on fire.

“I’m using a non-absorbable suture for this closure since it’s in a highly flexible area. We don’t need with the accelerated healing for the sutures to pop prematurely.” The Dr explains as he switches to a new needle.

“Grace looks pale.” Barrett mentions, and Ethan holds me tighter after hearing that.