I dodge Leah’s initial attack and bite her back thigh as she flies past me. Her wolf yelps, then spins on its hind legs to charge again. My bite is making her left hind leg weak, and she’s already favoring that side. Going low, I snap at her front leg, trying to bite it. I get ahold of her leg, but she has a grip on the loose skin on the back of my neck.
“Crush it.” Ethan tells me, and I instantly obey without question.
My jaw tightens down on her front leg until I taste blood and feel the leg snap in my mouth. Shaking my head violently, I rip at her flesh, causing more blood to spurt out. Releasing her leg, I jump back and start growling at her. Leah still isn’t giving up, and it’s now I remember, it’s a fight to the death.
The crowd chants to end it and I know with the mounting danger all around us, leaving one enemy alive to attack again is foolish. Stalking forward, a deep, guttural growl escapes my muzzle. Leah’s eyes dart to the side. As she does, my body reacts and I leap backwards. When my paws hit the dirt, another wolf had jumped into the ring to defend her. The she-wolf named Beth growls at me.
The crowd chants banishment. Apparently, this is one way for a wolf to be made a rogue. I can see the minute she accepts her fate and charges me. We claw at and bite each other, drawing blood. Fur flies everywhere and it’s like snow and ash are raining down. I’m thankful my coat is as thick as it is over my neck. It’s acting almost like kevlar protecting my veins. Beth isn’t so lucky. I get a grip on her throat under her jaw and start crushing. Meanwhile, I had taken my eyes off of Leah. She makes it over to us and starts biting the back of my neck, trying to crush me.
“End it with Beth. You have Leah to deal with.” Ethan yells in my head.
Using my hind legs, I rip up, using Leah’s added weight to help me pull the chunk of flesh free. We fall backward, landing on her, and I hear a snap. Her wolf lets out a yelp and loosens its grip on me just enough I can pull free.
Staggering to my paws, I wobble my way over to her. Exhaustion is threatening to take me. I can’t let myself slip into its embrace. Her leg is gushing blood and I move in for the kill. My mouth clamps down on her throat and I thrash my head from side to side. I hate the thought of killing, but I hate the idea of being killed and leaving my daughter behind even more. Pops and snapping of muscles and sinew fill my ears. Eventually I hear a gurgling sound, then the death rattle I know all too well from hunting.
Large hands rest on my wolf’s shoulders. “It’s over, baby girl. You can let go now.” Griffin gently pulls back on me until I release what’s left of Leah.
I’m in pain and I’m bleeding from who knows how many places. Looking around, my mates have gathered around me and I succumb to my exhaustion and the world goes black.
Chapter 29
- Sweet Child O’ Mine - GNR-
While the Alphas do their thing, I sit here with our sleeping mate. It took over an hour for her wolf to release her human form. It’s not uncommon, but it rarely happens. Perhaps she still felt she was still in danger. Whatever the reason was, it kept me on edge the entire time.
Now that she’s shifted back, I’m tending to her wounds, trying to speed up their healing so she won’t be sore when she wakes up. Grace sustained wounds that would have put a lesser wolf down.
I am amazed by her every day since she was turned. It’s been almost two weeks since she was last fully human. Every day she adjusts to the new life that was given to her. Laying next to her, I kiss and lick every wound, knowing our saliva helps speed up the healing process.
“Barrett, what are you doing?” Ethan leans in the doorway, watching me kiss and lick Grace’s wounds.
“I’m trying to help her. I’m not strong like you and Griffin or even Conrad, I’m just an Omega. There is nothing special about me.” I sigh, letting my words sink in. Several emotions flicker over Ethan’s rugged features. The emotion that seems to be dominant is sadness.
He reaches out and cups my cheek, much gentler than he ever has before. The soft golden hue of his wolf illuminates his gray-blue eyes. “You are not just an Omega. Never let me hear you talk bad about yourself again.” Ethan leans in and kisses me roughly. I swear that man can steal my breath without even trying.
My heart thunders in my chest as he lays me down at the foot of Grace’s bed. His kisses become tender as he trails them along my throat. “You’re such a good boy taking care of our mate.” Ethan nuzzles my jaw and nips at my shoulder.
Breathlessly, I moan and arch back so he has full access to my neck. “I love her. Of course I’m taking care of her.” I paw at him as his hand slides down between us and he cups my crotch, giving it a squeeze.
“I’ve been worried you feel neglected because we have our mate.” He raises up on his forearm to look me in the eye.
Biting my bottom lip, he’s hit the nail on the head. I have been feeling a little left out, or should I say, not as important as I was. Turning away, I close my eyes. “I guess I…” Sighing, I turn back to face him. “In a sense, I’m jealous. I can’t give you children. Nor am I as soft or have the curves Grace does.” My heart aches thinking of how petty my jealousy is. She’s all of our mate. I may not be the focus anymore, but I’m still loved.
Ethan nods and kisses me softly. “I’ll talk with my brothers and we’ll figure out how to adjust the dynamics so you don’t feel left out anymore.” He caresses my cheek and stands up. “I won’t fuck you when your emotions are all over the place. The four of us will talk things out later.” Ethan turns and leaves the room, and I watch him until he’s out of sight.
“I’m sorry I’ve made you feel bad,” Grace says as she props herself up to look at me.
Rushing to her side, I lay her back down and curl up alongside of her. “It’s all me. I’ve always been an attention whore and now the focus isn’t on me. I guess I allowed myself to get lost in the fairytale, that I was the beginning and end of all things for them.”
Grace runs her fingers through my hair, and I slowly melt into her. “Being in a poly relationship isn’t easy. We all have to work on our communication skills.” Grace’s reassurances make me almost instantly feel better. A knocking pulls me out of my inner reflection. Looking towards the door, the triplets are standing there watching us.
“Ethan told us what was happening.” Griffin says as he steps into the room ahead of the others. “What Grace said is right. We need to work on our communication skills. Forgive me for saying it this way, Grace. It was just the four of us for a very long time. We love you and we have to do better by you, and Barrett.” Griffin has a moment of softness in front of his brothers that has both of their eyebrows raising.
“I feel like I’ve sent this family unit into a tornado by being here.” Grace covers her face with her hands and sighs.
Ethan shoves past Griffin and sits on Grace’s other side, across from me. “Darling, it’s the best storm to weather with you. Griff isn’t as much of a tool anymore. Barrett actually is happier and more outgoing than before. Conrad is taking on more responsibilities when it comes to the pack so that Griff and I are not shouldering it all alone. You have made this family stronger.” Ethan leans forward and kisses Grace passionately on the lips.