“I know you can. I wish to feed you, baby girl. Please allow me that honor.” The look in his eyes pleads, no, begs me to allow him to feed me. A warmness blossoms in my chest as I stare deeply into his eyes. I feel like I can see forever in his gaze.

“That’s amazing.” Andrea’s tone is nothing short of disbelief.

Turning to face her. “What is?”

“You’re holding his gaze. Most can’t stare into his eyes that long.” Andrea winces when Griffin looks over at her.

“I don’t get it.” Shrugging my shoulders, I look back over at a very sheepish Griff.

“Fucking bitch will make you weak, Griffy. You need a real woman in your life and bed.” Fucking Roxy is back. Apparently, she didn’t take the hint the first time.

Sliding out of my chair, I move and rest on Ethan’s shoulders, looking over his head at Roxy. “Griff, you really didn’t need to order a side of skank with the wings. Blue cheese would have been sufficient.” Ethan’s shoulders shake from the laughter he’s trying to restrain.

“Burned…” Barrett says, laughing.

“At least I’m not passed around like a whore.” Roxy says smugly.

The hurt on Barrett’s face made something snap in me, and I feel rage coursing through my veins. My first instinct, I threw my drink in her face then lunge for her. I almost make it, but Ethan and Conrad grab me before I could tackle her. They may have caught me, but not before I got hold of her hair. Yanking hard, I pull her towards me, then clobber her face with my fist.

An inhuman growl escapes her lips, and her eyes burn golden. “Ethan, get her out of here!” Griffin’s order leaves no room for argument.

Ethan throws me over his shoulder and hauls ass out the door and onto his motorcycle. Setting me down, he shoves his helmet into my hands and his leather jacket on my shoulders as he fires up the bike. Roxy is a monster too … Fucking hell…

“Get on!” He barks out the order and I instantly obey.

Climbing on behind him, I wrap my arms around his waistline and hold on for dear life. Nailing the throttle, he spins the bike in the lot and we take off like a rocket. I’m not sure what’s louder: the pounding of my heart or the exhaust of his bike. He reaches up, putting an earbud in his ear and tells his phone to call Griff. The conversation is choppy at best. What I could make out is that Roxy is being locked up in a holding cell for the next thirty-six hours.

I’m honestly shocked when I notice the stretch of woods we are in. We’re heading to my grandmother’s house. My blood runs cold, and I snuggle in closer to Ethan. I’m thankful for the jacket and the rescue mission, but I think Grams may kill him if he steps one foot on her property.

The sound of the bike must have woken Grams up. The lights flick on one by one. She stands on the porch with my daughter in her arm. Grams pales and I can see all the fight drain out of her. “What happened?”

“Roxy.” Ethan’s flat tone tells me he dreads whatever is going to happen next.

“I told your brother that mad bitch should have been put down years ago.” Grams says it so matter-of-factly I freeze in my tracks, looking at the two of them.

“Grace, get in this house. Apparently, there’s a lot I need to explain to you.” Grams isn’t leaving any room for an argument this time. Wrapping Ethan’s coat around me, I trudge into the house and sit on the couch, taking my daughter from her.

“What exactly happened?” Grams looks at Ethan and not at me.

“Roxy started shit twice tonight. I guess she pushed the wrong button with Grace and she lost her shit. Damn near sailed past Conrad and I. We thought we had her but this slippery minx got a grip of Roxy’s hair and yanked her forward and slugged her good.” He’s fucking smiling as if he’s proud of me attacking that girl.

“What did you see, Grace?” Grams turns her full attention to me.

“She looked like Hunter did before he tried to kill me.” Dropping my gaze, I stare at my daughter. “Monster is a harsh word, but he was one, and Roxy is no different. I’m afraid my daughter may be like them.” Sniffling, I fight to hold back the tears that threaten to break free.

Strong hands grip my sides and lift me up. Next thing I know, I’m sitting on Ethan’s lap, cradled in his arms with my daughter in my lap. “I’m sorry you had to see that Darling. That’s the darker side of our society.” Ethan’s tone is soft and hesitant.

Turning slowly, I gaze into his gray-blue eyes. “Please don’t be scared of me.” His wary tone tugs on my heartstrings and I glance from my daughter back to him.

“I could never be frightened of you. There’s something about you … I feel like I am finally where I belong.” Smiling, I lean forward and kiss his cheek and close my eyes. When I pull back and open my eyes, there’s a faint yellow glow in his eyes.

“It’s still me Darling. The same man who brought you home. I’m still in here. I just have a duality.” Furrowing his brow, he stares at me and this feels like a monumental moment.

Fear grips my heart until my daughter reaches up and touches Ethan’s face. She coos at him and pats his face with her chubby baby hands. She’s not frightened of him like she was of her father. That, in its self speaks volumes.

I watch Ethan interact with my daughter, and it’s what I have always wanted for her. “She’s like you, isn’t she?”
