Once all the Alphas as in their proper place, I nod to the organ player to start the music. Ethan emerges and walks down the aisle escorted by mom as he carries Ashina in his arms. The women in their seats ooh and ahh seeing the usually aggressive Ethan carrying a baby in his arms. It’s doing wonders for his image of being an untamable beast. It’s also squashing the rumors of him being aggressive and harsh. Who in their right mind would trust a dangerous man with an infant?
Ethan reaches the end of the aisle and kisses Ashina before handing her off to mom and helping her to her seat. He takes his place next to the pastor and the music changes again. The double oak doors swing open and there stands Griffin with Grace, looking as radiant as ever. We put very aromatic flowers in the bouquet and a small ozone generator so that all the unfamiliar scents in the room don’t set her wolf off. The way Ethan is twitching, I know he feels her anxiety stronger than I do. Griff bends towards her and whispers something in her ear that makes her giggle, and she settles down.
They make it to the end of the aisle and the pastor raises his hands, silencing the room. “Who gives this young lady away?”
“I do.” Griffin helps Grace up the last few steps and raises her veil then kisses her cheek before taking a seat next to mom.
Through the bond I feel Grace and Ethan settle down almost immediately, being so close to one and other. I have a feeling this will be a ceremony to remember.
Chapter 35
-November Rain- Guns N Roses-
There’s so many people my senses are going haywire, especially with all the heartbeats thundering in my ears. I feel like my wolf is going to rip out of my skin at any given moment. Dozens of scents have infiltrated my nose and I’m overloaded. Looking to my left, I can see Barrett finally has my bouquet under control. He’s hidden a small ozone generator in the flowers to deaden the amount of scents hitting me.
“I know it’s hard being a new wolf to deal with this many scents at once. Squeeze the bouquet once and the ozone generator will turn on and dissipate the foreign scents.”He says, smiling.
I squeeze the bouquet and hear the low hum of the machine as it works. A gentle breeze blows up into my face and most of the scents are gone. Inhaling slowly, I finally relax. “Thanks Barrett, you’re a lifesaver.” Leaning forward, I kiss his cheek and send him off to join the others.
Andrea puts the finishing touches on my hair and makeup, then places the veil on my head and smiles. “The silver veil with rhinestones was a beautiful addition to the gown.” She adjusts the silver white lace that lays over top of the black gown.
“I have something to represent each of my guys. The black of the gown to represent the triplets, the rust-colored flowers for Barrett’s wolf. It’s absolutely perfect.” Smiling, I stare at myself in the mirror. The faint glow of my wolf as I stare at myself calms me, knowing she will always be there.
“Ethan’s on edge.” I huff out a short laugh. “He doesn’t enjoy being the center of attention.”
A knock sounds at the door and I can’t help smiling. “Come in Griff.” I stare at Andrea and when the door opens, she shakes her head.
“You know I love and hate that you can do that, right?” Andrea kisses my cheek, then leaves the room after hugging Griffin.
“You look absolutely stunning, baby girl.” He does the twirl motion with his index finger and I obey immediately. “I see what you did with the colors. It’s very thoughtful.” Stepping forward, Griffin presses his lips against mine softly.
I can’t help giggling, knowing he’s going to pull away and the dark burgundy lipstick Andrea put on me will be on him. Griff pulls away and I’m pleasantly surprised that my lipstick didn’t come off. I guess she wasn’t kidding when she said it was kissable. The music changes and I smile up at Griff. “We should get going.”
He nods, then takes the veil and covers my face. The glittering, tiny rhinestones obscure most of my features all over the mesh. Thankfully, it also seems to restrict the amount of scent getting through as well. I loop my arm with his and we head towards the banquet hall that’s serving as the wedding venue.
Derrick, the pack Beta, stands at the ready by the double door ready to open them on Griffin’s command. “Are you ready, baby girl?” He smiles down at me and my heart melts, looking up at him. So much love dances behind his eyes. He searches my face, awaiting my answer.
“Let’s do this.” I give his arm a squeeze and he nods at Derrick. The doors swing open and I hold the bouquet up closer to my chest, keeping the ozone generator close to my face. The music is November Rain from GNR. Ethan remembered it’s one of my favorite songs and has it as the song I walk to. He’s so incredibly thoughtful.
We step in time with the music, and I can see Ethan mouthing the lyrics as I walk towards him. I can’t help but mouth the lyrics myself. It feels like such a surreal moment. I arrive in front of him and the lyrics about healing a broken heart hit just as we stop. Nodding my head at Ethan, he smiles broadly before shaking Griffin’s hand.
We remain one step lower than the pastor and Ethan. “Whom here gives the bride away?”
“I do,” Griffin raises my veil then kisses my cheek before offering Ethan my hand and bows before backing away.
Gripping Ethan’s hand, all of my nerves are gone instantly. The song still plays softly and I realize the ballad is more Ethan’s song than mine. It’s about him learning to love and trust and devoting himself to a forever with me. Healing himself from past damage and working towards a wonderfully bright future together.
The pastor speaks of love and forever. Words of devotion and encouragement beyond the average displayed by couples. The difference between dating and marriage. Most of his words are drowned out as I look up into Ethan’s gray-blue eyes. When the pastor asks for the rings, it’s when I’m jolted back into reality and I pass my bouquet over to Andrea to hold. She offers me the gold band I had picked out. Thankfully, they were able to it resize to fit Ethan quickly.
“You may now exchange your vows.” The pastor says and smiles at us. By scent, I know he’s a wolf like the rest of us, so I instantly relax.
Ethan smiles and looks down at my left hand that he’s holding. “I can’t promise you I’ll be the perfect husband.” He laughs a little. “I don’t have a great temper and I’m usually the first to jump into the ring to help the underdog.” His smile broadens as he gives my hand a squeeze. “I can promise you to be faithful, to be loyal and in your corner until I draw my last breath.” He holds the simple gold band up and raises my hand. “Will you accept this ring and my heart for all eternity?” Ethan holds up the gold band, and I can feel his nervousness through the bond.
“I will.” I watch him slide the band on my finger and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
The pastor stares at me for several heart beats too long, then I remember it’s my turn. “Lord knows I’m not perfect.” I stare into his eyes and smile. “I’ve been torn to pieces by my past, and you were there putting me back together.” He winces at my words then nods, noting that I acknowledged all that he has done for me. “In my darkest hour, you held me and I feel reborn. The world as I once knew it, is gone.” I take both of his hands in mine. “Thank you for breathing life into me and setting me free from the chains of my past.” Ethan’s eyes get a little misty hearing me thank him for giving me my wolf and saving me. I hold up the simple gold band in front of him and smile. “Will you accept this ring and my heart for all eternity?” Even though I know his answer, I can’t help the nerves that bubble up.