Immediately, I agree to it and it lightens the weight in my chest immensely. He says he’s in charge of the attire for the guys, so he will make sure to have them all match my dress. Ruby gets my attention and says we have to get going. The Alphas are arriving and to avoid conflict, we need to be there as soon as possible. Derrick comes running in to usher us out of the store. The attendant finishes up the sale and sends us on our way.
Stupid traditions ruining my day out.
Chapter 34
- Black Wedding - In this Moment & Rob Halford-
I can hear the music from where I am in the house and it seems like Grace has her own playlist for today. Interestingly enough, several times over the course of the morning, her playlist and Ethan’s lined up perfectly, song and artist. There have been several times that it was the same song, but the artist was different, which was interesting.
The tick in Griffin’s eye has increased several fold listening to the music. “I can’t do it…” Griffin says as he launches out of his chair.
“Can’t do what?” I stare at my brother, trying to catch up to whatever conversation he was having in his head.
“I can’t let Grace marry me in public. She’s bonded stronger to her creator. My selfishness almost forced her to marry me.” He takes off down the hallway towards the rooms the girls are in and starts banging on the door.
Elinor throws the door open and stares fearlessly up at Griffin. “What bug crawled up your ass fur-ball?” She waggles an arthritic finger up at him.
“I need to speak to Grace before the other alphas arrive. It’s important.” Griffin’s tone changes and it softens, almost sounding defeated.
“Make it quick. We need to finish getting her ready for the wedding.” Elinor closes the door in Griffin’s face.
“Okay, that was interesting.” Rubbing the back of my neck, I stare down at my feet, trying not to laugh about the hell my older brother is being put through.
“I’m sure she has her reasons.” Griffin says, and I’m not sure if he believes it.
The door slowly opens and Grace slips out wearing a white silk robe with her magenta hair up in curlers. “Grams said you needed to see me. Is everyone okay?” There’s an edge of concern in Grace’s voice that surpasses the words that had fallen from her lips.
“Baby girl. You know I love you, right?” Griffin tilts his head to the side.
“I do. I love all of you.” She smiles, looking over at me and says it again softly. “I love you Conrad.” She smiles and refocuses on Griffin.
I didn’t get to respond before Griffin started speaking again. “My assumption that you would marry me just because I asked you was wrong.” I double blink, not sure if I heard him correctly. Griffin admitted to being wrong about something. Hell its self must have frozen over.
Griff bites his bottom lip and clears his throat. “Your bond with Ethan is far stronger than the bond with the rest of us. He is your creator, the one that gave you your wolf.” He grips Grace’s hands tightly. “Marry my brother instead of me. There is no way that you two will be able to hide the attraction. He will always show up in times of danger and go to war without question. The humans will start rumors about an affair going on and that would ruin the stability of the community.”
Tears streak down Grace’s cheeks as she listens to Griffin. I knew the minute he told her it was a mistake, and she would get emotional over it. Before Grace can say anything, Ethan comes stomping down the hallway.
“What the fuck did you say to make her cry, asshole?” Before Ethan reaches us, Grace shoves past me and dives into Ethan’s arms.
“Wolfie, it’s okay. I’m happy. Griffin said I can marry you publicly.” She pulls at Ethan’s face until he looks down at her, letting her words sink in.
“He did?” Grace nods, then Ethan looks up at Griffin. “You did?”
“I did. Because you turned her, the bond you two share is stronger than any bond the rest of us have forged.” Griffin seems resigned admitting to the strength of their bond.
“The humans aren’t completely oblivious to everything. Grace lights up the minute you enter the room. They will start rumors of an affair and other horrible things. It’s politically easier this way.” I try to be the peacemaker between my siblings, knowing if I don’t phrase things a certain way, there may be a fight.
“Sounds good.” Ethan bends down and kisses Grace, dipping her backwards. He holds her there for a few moments before standing her back up again. “I love you Darlin.” Ethan beats her to the punch and stuns her.
“I … Love you too, Wolfie.” She squeals and hugs and kisses him again before heading back into the room the girls commandeered.
“We should go greet the Alphas that are arriving and make sure they are comfortable.” I mention looking at the messages from our Betas about who is arriving.
“Who’s here already?” Griffin asks as he looks at the list he has.
“By the looks of it, Ambrose, Nicolai, James, and Dustin. Just waiting for Ricardo and maybe one other. We never got a response from Julius and Tristan.” I glance between Griffin and Ethan, trying to figure out what they may want me to do.