“Looks like I have a wedding to plan, huh?” Mom says as she picks up her phone. “Hey Elinor, guess who just got engaged?” Mom keeps pacing, listening to Grace’s grandmother. “No you ninny, it’s not me! Your grand daughter is engaged to Griffin.” Mom pulls the phone away from her head and we can hear Elinor yelling why isn’t she engaged to Ethan? “It’s for appearance’s sake, Elinor. The Mayor getting married is a bigger deal than his twin.” Mom walks off carrying on with the conversation, leaving us alone.
Grace sits on the floor with her robe back on, playing with her daughter as if the insanity of the last few moments didn’t just happen. “Not the reaction I was expecting.” I mutter to myself.
Grace turns and looks up at me, smiling. “I’m mated to the four of you. The wedding doesn’t mean shit compared to my mate’s marks. These…” She touches all four bite marks. “Are forever. The wedding is a big fuck you to the human females that lust after you. At the end of the day, I belong to the four of you and you belong to me.” She smiles and goes back to playing with her pup on the floor.
“I guess we should plan the announcement for the town and the celebration that will happen.” Conrad looks at his phone, pulling up the calendar app.
“With the rogue issue, do we think it’s wise to be planning a party?” Ethan chimes in and that catches Grace’s attention again.
“Invite Ambrose and his pack and the other two larger packs that are close by. If anything, the scent of so many wolves in one area may be a deterrent.” Grace scoops up Ashina as she shifts back to a toddler.
Grace just said exactly what I would have said if they gave me the time to. I stand there stupefied, staring at her. “Get over it Griff, as Luna, the pack’s safety is my priority. This showboating ceremony is just a tremendous performance for the humans.” Her eyes glow and I can tell the idea is really bothering her animal.
“There’s something you’re not telling me.” I move closer and I can see the fur rippling across her forearm.
“She’s not happy it’s not Ethan. He created her, gave us both life in a sense.” Grace turns away, not wanting to look me in the eye any longer.
Glancing over at my twin, I see the same broken look on his face. “I didn’t think about that, I’m sorry.” I know Grace is my mate as much as she is my brothers. If I’m being honest with myself, this revelation kinda hurts.
Grace nods, then turns and places a kiss on my cheek before walking off with her daughter in her arms. I touch where her lips had pressed against my cheek and I can’t help but feel lost. Ethan looks at me, then chases after Grace down the hallway. “What have I done?” I take a seat at the kitchen island, watching the hallway as they disappeared down.
Before Conrad can answer my question, there’s a knock from behind me. “Alpha Griffin, Alpha Ambrose is here to see you,” Derrick says from the doorway.
I wave for my Beta to bring him to me. Soon as Ambrose enters the kitchen, I rise to meet him and shake his hand. “To what do I owe this honor?” I motion to the table and Conrad brings over drinks as Barrett brings a dessert platter over.
“Your mate is wise beyond her years. She asked for a meeting with all the Alphas in the region since the rogue problem seems to be spreading.” He raises his glass and sips from it, watching me.
Why didn’t Grace tell me about this? Does she truly feel I am not strong enough to be the lead Alpha?
“It would be best to formulate a plan with the others for the pack’s safety.” I go along with what Ambrose is saying, curious as to how far my mate went with planning.
“Alpha Ambrose, it’s wonderful to see you under better circumstances.” Grace’s melodic tone soothes my beast as she enters the room.
Ambrose and I rise to our feet immediately, and he bows to her. “I conferred with my elders and as a moon touched wolf, you have dominion over the packs if you so choose it.”
Grace bites her bottom lip and nods. I was unaware of the old laws concerning being moon touched. I’ll have to do further research on the subject later on. “My mates and I will discuss how to proceed from here. I’ve barely been a wolf for two months. By rights, I shouldn’t step up. I don’t have the knowledge or experience to lead multiple packs.” By her admission, Ambrose’s smile broadens.
“Your humility is the exact reason why you should. Other Luna’s have gone power mad. You honestly don’t want the power that comes with the title or birthright. That’s the exact reason you should be the one to govern the packs.” Ambrose drops to his knees and bares his throat to her pledging his allegiance to my mate.
Grace looks up, shocked, not knowing what to do. I point at her, then my lips, then the side of his neck. She nods slowly, then approaches Ambrose and kisses his neck. “I accept your allegiance. Rise Ambrose.” She backs up and offers him her hand and he kisses the back of it. Lowering her head slightly at him, she motions to me with her free hand. “Griffin will handle all the arrangements. All decisions will go through my mates and I before we make any announcements about anything.” Tactfully, Grace deferred power back towards my brothers and me, as well as Barrett, instead of maintaining it for herself.
“I will be in touch with Griffin then. Rule well Luna.” He bows again, then leaves the room.
We watch him leave and Grace shakes her head. “Way too much testosterone.” She walks over to the table and picks at the dessert tray.
“You did good, Darlin…” Ethan drawls out.
“We’ll see. Something still isn’t sitting right with me.” Grace turns to leave again, taking Barrett with her. I can only assume it’s for a nap since he seems to be her nap buddy since she was injured.
“Rumors of a moon touched Luna is spreading like wildfire. We need to protect her at all costs.” Ethan says before following Grace and Barrett.
Grace’s existence can be a blessing and a curse. Only time will tell.
Chapter 32
- Blow - Ava Under Fire-