My wolf speaks to me for the first time in a long time about something other than violence. I’m not sure how to tell her we are shifters, the same beasts as the ex that tried to kill her.

We are not the same…

He yells in my head, taking offense at being put in the same category as the rogue. In my heart, I know we are not the same, but I worry about the frayed ends of my sanity that I am barely clinging to. It’s been thirteen years since my eighteenth winter, and each year, I feel like a ticking time bomb. An Alpha usually finds their mate by their twenty-first birthday. We didn’t, instead we found Barrett and took him as our bonded Omega. It’s not uncommon for an Alpha to take an Omega male as a mate to sate the beast. It’s a last ditch effort to keep from going insane.

Grace lays the baby down and leans into the crib, kissing her good night before turning out the lights and leaving the room. I move to watch where the next light turns on and eventually one turns on and I head in that direction. Grace is in the living-room checking her gear for the morning.

Why are we stalking our mate? My wolf prods and suddenly makes me feel like a peeping tom.

We’re not stalking her.

I say to him as I change places to get a better view. Headlights flood the yard and my hackles stand on end.

Is he here for her? Did the rogue dare come across pack lands?

When the headlights turn off, I can see that it’s Elinor’s truck. Grace bolts out the front door and dives into her grandmother’s arms.

Is it wrong I’m jealous of her grandmother?

I watch the exchange and move again to watch where they go. Silently, I climb onto the porch and watch through the window as they stand in the kitchen talking. Grace shows her grandmother the hunting gear that she has and points out the window towards the backyard. I had seen her stand on the way in and know exactly where she will be. Maybe I’ll push the deer to her in the morning. That would make her happy if she was successful.

Having made up my mind, I slink back into the woods and search for the bedding area. After finding it, I look to see which trails they use the most and piss all over them, forcing the deer to change course in the morning. It’s cheating on my part, but Grace deserves to have something go her way. I’m sure my brothers will be in the area in the morning. Unfortunately for me, I need to leave town for several hours in the morning for a bounty.

I set the area up the best I can, making sure the deer will choose the route that will take them right past Grace’s stand. Once done, I turn around and return to the stone slab to sleep under it, waiting for Grace to come out.

* * *

-The Next Morning-

The click of the screen door catches my attention and my ears swivel several times, locking in on the sound. Soft clunking of boots on the wood steps as they creak makes me belly crawl to the edge of the rock. Grace steps off the bottom stair and looks around before heading towards the trail she had marked.

I follow along just within hearing distance in case something happens. After Barrett and my mother told me about Grace’s ex, we have been on high alert. She pauses as the wind shifts and drops lower than the brush that is around her, limiting how far it carries her scent. On the wind, I catch the scent of some of the deer moving close to here. Swiveling my ears, I listen to them and they sound calm. So far, I believe they are unaware that she’s here.

Grace waits a few more moments before she finishes her journey to her stand. I don’t follow her anymore; I don’t want my scent covering the area. My senses are heightened as I listen for Grace to reach the tree. The click of the carabiner clip tells me she has latched her safety harness to the strap on the tree. Backing up slightly, I see her silhouette against the tree with the bow resting on her lap. As much as I know she’s safe, I almost can’t bring myself to leave her. I have a job waiting and my mate has made it safely to her stand.

Fighting with my wolf, we reluctantly make it back down the trail and out of her neck of the woods. Trudging along the path is far harder than I had initially expected. I avoid all the usual paths my pack would normally take to patrol the boundaries between the properties. The sun is rising over the horizon as I reach the back porch. Heading over to where I left my clothes, and I get dressed quickly.

Just as I slip my boots on, my mother steps out onto the back porch. “Going to work Ethan?” In her hand is the bag she usually packs food in for me.

“Yeah, last job for a while. It’s a quick one. I shouldn’t be gone all day.” My heart isn’t in it like it normally would be.

Mom rests a hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “You don’t have to go. You know that, right?” She arches an eyebrow, looking at me as if she knows I don’t really want to go.

“I know mom, but a man’s word is his bond, and I swore I would capture this criminal. Dad always said promise nothing you have no intention of delivering.” Lowering my gaze, I ponder dad’s life lessons. Honesty, fidelity and protecting those weaker than yourself were points he always drove home. Dad died at the hands of a rogue bear, trying to take a female against her will. It took the three of us to take the bear down. Unfortunately for our father, we didn’t arrive fast enough to save him.

Mom pulls me to her and hugs me tightly. I’ve always been the strongest of the three of us, and I blame myself for not being strong enough. “Don’t let the ghosts of the past haunt you. You have always done the right thing for everyone. You hunt criminals that otherwise would be loose to kill again. I’m proud of you, Ethan.” Mom kisses my cheek and then smiles at me. “Get going so you can hurry back.”

“See you soon Mom.” I kiss her forehead, then take the bag from her before heading down the stairs to my motorcycle.

“Be safe.” Mom stands at the edge of the porch like she always does when I leave.

Turning the key, the engine comes to life. That deep lub lub lub of the exhaust soothes something in me. My Indian Springfield Darkhorse is as custom as it can be, blacked out everything and the engine modified for speed. Sliding my helmet on and my leather jacket, I’m ready for this ordeal I’m going to put myself through. I’m on the trail of a murder instead of the rogue that threatens my mate. My wolf and I agree we need to find this asshole as fast as possible, then prepare to hunt the other one.

Rolling down the driveway this time is harder than all the times before. This time I am leaving part of what’s left of my heart behind. Making it back in once piece is more important than ever.

For once, I have someone worth fighting for.

Chapter 9