Looking through the chips in my hand, I pull out the Lenox Tan. It’s similar to one color in my underbelly fur. Gracie’s eyes widen as she flips her chip over to reveal the same color in her hand. “That’s insane!” Andrea says and our Luna smiles, knowing it is the early tethers of the fragile mate bond from all of those years ago.
Gracie turns her chip to face her as she takes mine from me. Our finger tips brush over each other and a mild static shock jumps between us. “Bathroom?” Her voice wavers, saying the word as she fishes her chip out from her stack. “I’m sure this one won’t match at all. I have such an odd taste.” She holds up a bright yellow swatch. It is the same color as our wolves’ eyes. It’s a color named citrus blast. Smirking, I flip mine over and it’s one shade off, called sunflower.
“I figured a bathroom needed to be a bright space. It’s where most people start and end their day.” My logical answer throws her off, and she smiles as she takes the chip from me.
“I always wanted a yellow bathroom. I’m not sure why the color comforts me, but it does.” Shrugging her shoulders, she pulls out the next chip. “Kitchen.” A soft giggle escapes her lips as she looks down at her chip choice. “This one is tough as well.” Biting her bottom lip, I watch her stare at the color in her hand.
Flipping my chip over, I reveal a blue green color that I felt complimented the living-room’s color. A soft sigh escapes her lips as she flips her chip over. I know the color in her hand like I know my own. It’s the color of the triplets’ eyes, gray- blue, deep, stormy and mysterious. Andrea and our Luna inhale sharply, which puzzles Gracie. “Did I pick a terrible color?” She looks at each of us, searching our faces for any signs of negativity.
“Not at all, little one.” Our Luna pulls Gracie in for a hug and kisses her cheek. “I think it’s a beautiful color. I’m sure it wouldn’t be difficult for Barrett to change it for you.” Luna looks at me and I see the pleading in her gaze. She hopes things will work out for her sons.
I can’t help the grin that creeps across my lips. “If that’s what you want, I would be more than happy to do it for you.” Her face immediately lights up and she beams at me.
“Yes please! I’ll even cook for you after I go to the store or hunt, whichever happens first.” Freezing after being so excited, she looks between the women and me.
“What’s wrong?” Andrea places a hand on her forearm, trying to comfort her.
Glancing down and away, then back at me. “You’re not judging me for hunting?” She winces, looking back at Andrea, then our Luna, then me.
“Never! To be able to provide for yourself off the land is a gift.” Our Luna says as she reaches out and hugs Gracie again. Gracie sighs and snuggles in tightly.
“My ex baby daddy used to tell me to leave the hunting to the men.” Cringing, she looks down again and I cannot stand here watching her mood drop.
Stepping forward boldly, I pull Gracie from our Luna and draw her into a bone-crushing hug. Struggling, I try not to let my wolf rumble to its mate. “If you want to hunt, you hunt. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently.” Gracie nods against my chest, then presses her nose between my pecs and draws in a deep breath.
I feel my heart flutter in my chest as I hear her take in my scent. My inner wolf is tugging at me, desiring to view its mate. My Luna reaches out and rests a calming hand on my arm, and my beast settles instantly. “Thank you Barrett.” Gracie bounces up and presses a chaste kiss at the corner of my mouth before turning and walking away.
I watch part of my heart walk away down the aisle and away from me. Andrea reaches out and pats me on the back before hustling to catch up with Gracie. My heart aches as I stare at their retreating backs. I’m not sure how I am going to deal with waiting for my alphas to get their heads out of their collective asses.
Chapter 8
- New Devil- Asking Alexandria / Maria Brink-
Grace has returned and my life has been flipped upside down. Seeing her at the bar set my wolf on edge. He wants his mate. The date I had planned for tonight now sours my stomach and I text the girl, letting her down easily that tonight is not the night. My phone blows up for several moments, angry texts, then bargaining happens. I reiterate yet again that tonight wasn’t happening, that I had found my person. Thankfully, this female being human understood how important finding their person is, so that response she accepted. Shaking my head, I shove my phone into my pants pocket as I shed my clothing on the back porch.
“You’re going aren’t you?” Conrad steps out from beside the house, leaning against the wood.
“What if I am?” I narrow my eyes at my brother and tilt my head to the side, watching him.
He raises his hands in a placating manner as he backs away. “Forget I said anything…”
Nodding slowly, I turn away from him, letting my wolf rip free from my body. We are on a mission heading towards old man Michaels cabin on the northern edge of our pack lands.
The scent of fresh-baked cookies and roasted chicken catch my attention. One scent is that of my mate, the other must be what she had for dinner. I slow down to a walk as I get to the edge of the woods near her house. Grace is walking out of her back door and has what looks like what’s left of a chicken in her hands. She gets to the bottom of the steps and stops, then looks around slowly.
The way she moves, her pauses every time there’s a new sound or the wind changes, is like she was born a predator. She makes it to the slab at the edge of the woods and drops what’s left of the chicken there. “Hunting season starts tomorrow. I offer what’s left of this chicken as a tribute to the wolves that own this forest. I hope you grant me safe passage to my stand and permit me to harvest a deer tomorrow.” Grace lowers her head as she asks for a wolf’s blessing.
I take the path back to the slab and emerge slowly from the brush so I don’t frighten her. Slowly Grace’s eyes raise and lock on me. Equal parts of wonder and curiosity flicker over her features as she looks me over. “Thank you for coming.” She whispers as she backs up, not giving me her back.
I lower my wolf’s head slightly then take a bite of the chicken she left. She gets back to the porch and smiles. The simple act of eating her left over chicken has brought her so much joy. Eating my fill, I turn back into the underbrush and watch her go back into the house. Walking slowly around the house, I watch to see which room she’s in. She makes it into her daughter’s room and I can see part of the murals that Barrett had painted on the walls. The one that catches my attention is the path to the viewing pond.
Grace stands there holding her daughter to her chest as she reaches out touching the painting. The memory is there and surfaces enough that it makes her pause, staring at the picture. She turns cradling her baby to her, and I am hypnotized watching her take care of her little one. I imagine my pup in her arms, clinging to her chest. There’s nothing more in this world that I want. It is the one of the things that can save me, her love and a family.
My wolf growls low, knowing full well that Barrett has the best chance at gaining Grace’s trust and then he can introduce her to Conrad. After she trusts Conrad, the rest of us can make ourselves known to her.
How are you going to tell her what we are?