I pop the car door open as we halt to a stop. My head turns to find Jaxon waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I attempt to walk properly in these black heels on the pebbled floor, but my feet haven’t forgiven me yet from Lucy’s night out.
My eyes take in Jaxon’s tall stature. A man in a suit. My goodness.
Handsome doesn’t even cut it. He’s in a league of his own. And out of mine.
His attire is grey with black dress shoes and a dark tie. His stubble is trimmed neatly and his dark hair is swept back and placed with perfection. My mouth turns alarmingly dry.
Lucy approaches him, and he meets her halfway. He smiles at her before leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. Her bridesmaids follow close behind. Once he steps around his sister, his eyes flick to mine.
Those blue eyes dilate in ways I can’t understand. It makes my legs clench as he admires me boldly. I slowly make my way over to them, and Jaxon leans forward to slip an arm around my waist. He roams my face, and the corners of his lips flick upwards.
“There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe how beautiful you look right now,” he says huskily. “Goddess, I can’t believe I’m all yours.”
A whimper escapes my throat as blood rushes to my face. “Thank you,” I whisper, savouring the placement of his hand on the small of my back. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“I know.” He smirks. “I can hear your thoughts.”
My gaze widens. Heat spreads across my cheeks, burning darker than ever. Oh, crap. I’m drowning in mortification—I need the ground to swallow me whole.
He chuckles softly, his nose running along the edge of my cheek. “Goddess, you are so adorable. I think we need to try harder in our lessons on shielding. Two might not have been enough.”
“Please,” I say desperately. “Save me from this humiliation.”
His mouth stretches into a gorgeous grin. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. But once the wedding is over, we can work a little harder on the techniques. I know it will make you more comfortable. Although I have to admit, I’ll miss hearing your sweet little thoughts.”
I gulp when he winks. “I’m convinced you love to tease me.”
“Yeah,” he drawls. “Just a little. I like seeing you blush.”
“Right.” Lucy steps towards us. “They’re ready for me.”
I step back and press my cheek to Lucy’s. “I’ll see you guys in there,” I say before giving her shoulders a supportive squeeze.
My gaze catches Jaxon’s quickly as I give him a soft smile.
I’ll see you soon, baby, Jaxon’s voice floats through my head as I take the stairs up to the manor, beaming from ear to ear.
The ceremony was a beautiful celebration of love and tenderness. I couldn’t stop my eyes from watering when they exchanged their vows. Never have I witnessed anything so pure, and I’ll treasure this day forever. It just might have restored my faith in happy endings.
Jaxon walked Lucy down the aisle and to see their sibling bond was like no other. It must have been hard for them to know their parents couldn’t be here to share this special day with them.
After the ceremony, we arrived at the reception, and I mingled with some of Jaxon’s pack. We listened to the speeches and raised our glasses. Then, it was time for the cake to be cut and to get drunk—Lucy’s words, not mine.
I’ve seen Jaxon in passing a few times, but this is his sister’s wedding. I don’t want to get in the way. When everything starts to get a little overwhelming, I step outside to grab some air and refresh my lungs.
My eyes fall on a white gazebo with pink and cream flowers woven into the arch with fairy lights dangling from the roof. I pause for a moment and admire the perfect scenery. A smile covers my lips as I step inside, allowing my fingers to brush the delicate roses and carnations.
Where are you? Jaxon’s voice floats into my mind.
A shiver of comfort rushes to my heart. Outside.
It doesn’t take long for Jaxon to find me. My skin tingles when he’s right behind me. I close my eyes at the sensation—the bond growing and glowing and everything in between.
When I turn around to face him, I stop breathing at how beautiful he is. It’s a sight that will be engraved into my mind forever.
Jaxon walks towards me. His blazer and tie are gone, and now his shirt sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, showing off his impressive forearms. His gaze roams my face and body agonisingly slow. His eyes turn a notch darker when he meets my gaze. “I’m sorry I’ve not spent much time with you today, Ava. It’s been hectic. Lucy was getting angry because the chef didn’t include some special salad dressing, and I had to sort it ou–”
A little laugh rumbles from my chest at his distress. “Jax, it’s fine. You are being her fatherly figure today, and everyone is expecting you to sort out all the disasters. It’s okay. I’ve been enjoying boosting my own confidence.”