Her voice has me freezing in my tracks. I turn slowly, knowing better than to crowd her. I give her space. I wait and listen. Our gazes meet, and her hands pick at the skin around her nails. I despise the action because I know she does it when she’s anxious.
A single tear rolls down her cheek. “D-don’t go,” she whispers tragically, and I sag in relief and torment all rolled into one. “I’m tired of feeling alone.”
My fingers itch to lean over and cuddle her. What I wouldn’t give to make her feel comfortable enough to hug me—to prove to her all I want to give is affection and care. Nothing less.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I whisper back.
Ava’s lips quiver until she breaks down, sobbing into her hands uncontrollably. My heart moves to my throat, and my wolf screams at me to do something.
I step towards the bed and bend to the edge to not intimidate her.
“I couldn’t make them go away.”
“Make what go away?”
“The thoughts. They were everywhere. They were so loud.”
More tears sprout from her eyes as her breathing increases.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Ava? I would have been there for you.”
“Because I’m scared,” she chokes.
I study her pink cheeks and glossy eyes. “Scared of what?”
“Of everything. Of everyone finding out I’m crazy.”
“You are not crazy, Ava. That is the last thing you are.”
Her trembling mouth parts as she attempts to catch her irregular breath. “All the voices are so loud. They felt so real. I felt them. I heard them.”
“You didn’t,” I reassure her. “They were a fragment of your imagination—nothing more. They weren’t real. They’re not here, and they will not hurt you again.”
Ava’s head rises as she sniffles softly. “You heard them,” she whispers. “The thoughts in my head. Do you think they are true?”
“No.” I furrow my brows. “No. Not a single thought is true.”
“I feel like they are.”
“They’re not. I promise you.”
Ava wraps her arms around her legs in a well-needed hug. I wish I could be the one to give that to her, but I keep my distance—as I should have done last night. “Did you hurt yourself because of the thoughts?”
“I know your pack think I’m weak.”
“They don’t know you well enough to even think that incorrect statement.”
She presses a pale hand to her face to wipe a rogue tear. “Not incorrect when I heard them talking.”
My back stiffens at her confession. “Who said something to you?”
“H-he said I have baggage, and you would do better without me,” she murmurs in a harsh whisper. “I know that’s true. I’m only bringing all of you down. Making you weaker.”