Page 38 of Second Chance Mates

My eyes close automatically. The thought has my wolf ready to turn back and run straight to Lucien to kill him right now. How could anyone do that to someone, let alone their mate?

The thought makes my stomach fold.

Ava pauses at the lakefront and dips her toes in before releasing a low shriek. “What’s wrong?” I step towards her.

“Co-ld.” She shudders, and I release a chuckle.

“I know it’s cold this time of year, but surely, it can’t be that bad.”

Ava’s brows rise to her hairline. “It’s freezing!”

I take one step forward and let the water meet my bare feet. She’s right. It’s definitely not warm. “Pfft,” I say teasingly. “Baby.”

Her mouth hangs open, and then she lowers down to scoop the clear water up between her palms and throws it in my direction. The water hits my body with a splat at the same time, a gust of wind ripples by and makes me groan internally. As werewolves, we have high internal body temperatures, but having it splashed at you still isn’t enjoyable.

Then, the most beautiful sound falls from her lips. She laughs. It’s like all the questions in my life have been answered in those few split seconds. I stare at the way her face lights up with joy and fuck–

I want her to laugh every day.

“You think that’s funny, huh?” I flash her a grin.

“I had to prove a point.” She covers her hand over her mouth, and I resist the urge to take her wrist so I can witness every second before it disappears.

I shoot her a playful look, but her eyes sparkle.

“Fine. Point proven.”



The air tastes so fresh. That might sound like a silly thing to say, but it does. I lift my head up towards the sky and take down a large inhale of oxygen. The cold water of the lake laps around my ankles, and the gentle breeze brushes my skin. This is true freedom. It’s like experiencing nature for the first time.

Jaxon walks ahead of me in the lake. I try not to stare at his impressive back muscles, but I can’t help it—my eyes instinctively gravitate towards him. Before he can get past his knees, he turns back to me.

Those blue eyes sparkle with calmness, despite being splashed seconds ago. I don’t know what came over me; it felt like a natural reaction. It certainly released a burst of amusement through my veins. I can’t remember the last time I laughed. The sound was alien, but it felt good, it felt—liberating.

He holds out his hand gently, flashing his palm. “Come with me,” he says. “You’ll warm up once you’re in.”

I chew on my lip as I focus on the callouses across his fingers. Even though they look rough to touch, they were incredibly soft when I held his hand the other night. Now, I’m faced with the option again. I roll back my shoulders and delicately place my hand in his. He wraps his thumb across my fingers to keep them in place, and a shudder rushes through me.

If I thought I was cold before, I’m wrapped up in a blanket of warmth now.

I glance up to meet Jaxon’s eyes, who gives me an encouraging smile. He doesn’t clutch my hand in a death grip, but just enough to know he’s there. My entire body vibrates at the sensation.

My feet take one step, and before I know it, my knees are under, then my thighs, then my hips. The water doesn’t even phase me—not when he’s holding my hand like it’s the only thing in the world that matters right now.

The hem of my T-shirt dances in the lake as we venture deeper, and soon, I’m treading water. I almost release a whimper when all my limbs start floating like I’m weightless. Jaxon doesn’t let go of my hand, and from where he’s standing, he can still touch the bottom of the lake.

A ray of sunlight casts over his face, accentuating his tan skin and dark sapphire eyes. “Warmer now?” he asks.

“Yeah.” I nod in agreement as the water laps my chin. “Much.”

“How does it feel?”


Jaxon’s smile continues to grow. “I love this place. It’s so peaceful.”