Page 148 of Second Chance Mates

She stares at me through her dark lashes until her face is a scowl, but she’s not angry at me; she’s confused by the situation. “What just happened?”

“You were tugging at your skin, pinching it. I don’t know. You weren’t responding to me,” I answer honestly. “Ava, if something is wrong, you can tell me.”

I study her throat as she attempts to swallow. “This won’t make sense to you.”

“Try me.”

Ava turns away, and I drop my hand from her face but slide my fingers down her wrist instead. “My body doesn’t feel like my body. It hasn’t felt like my body since I woke up in the infirmary.”

“How so?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugs, her frustration getting the better of her. “Something doesn’t feel right, and I don’t understand why. As soon as I woke up I felt this way. Like someone has swapped my body, and I’m in another person's shell.”

I notice her trembling legs so I back her up onto the edge of the bathtub and kneel down, collecting her hands in her lap. “You stopped breathing, Ava. You died, and the doctors brought you back. It might be something to do with the resuscitation. They said it might take a while to come to terms with what happened because parts of your memory aren’t there. Do you think it could be that or is it something else?”

She chews her lip subtly. “I-I don’t know.”

“It’s okay,” I reassure her.

“I don’t want to feel like this.”

I raise her knuckles to leave a kiss. “I know you’re struggling, and I wish I could do more. What can I do, Ava?”

“Nothing,” her voice cracks. “I’m so confused.”

My expression crumbles. “Come here.” I open my arms as she slides into my embrace. I tug her up and cradle the back of her head before walking us towards our bed. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve always got you.”

I move us onto the bed and keep her close to my chest. “I know you do,” she whispers. “You’re the only thing keeping me sane right now.”

“I promise whatever this is, we’re going to get through it. There is no pressure for your recovery or your therapy. Everything is at your pace.”

Ava nods. “Yeah.” Her breath tickles my neck.

“I’m going to stay right here and hold you like this all night.”

“Thank you.” She drops her head onto my shoulder, and I listen until she’s firmly asleep in my arms.



My recovery over the last three weeks has been going better than expected. Every now and then, I have a minor blip, but then I remind myself where I am and all of the support I’m surrounded with.

Jaxon’s eyes watch me when I’m silent, and he holds me at night when I cry. But these last few days have felt a lot better than when I first woke up. My mind is a little clearer, and I’m slowly accepting what happened to me—Gemma said it’s my first step to putting it behind me and looking forward.

And that’s exactly what I want to do. Look forward.

Today, Jaxon decided to take me out of the pack house in hope of a change of scenery. I adore the place I can finally call my home, but sometimes, comfort spaces can become overbearing when it’s all I rely on.

“Will the pack be okay if we leave? I know you have a lot of work to do,” I say softly.

Jaxon spares me a glance. “You told me to take it easy, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. Kayden said I shouldn’t burn myself out, and spending time with you helps me recharge. He’s taking order while I’m gone.”

“You seem a lot calmer recently,” I comment.

“Because I know you’re home and safe.”

I shake my head. “I mean with the pack. Things are starting to fall into place.”