After a few minutes, Lucy opens her eyes and takes a step back from Evan. His entire body slumps forward, barely giving himself a chance to grab onto the bars. Lucy grabs his wrist. “Easy,” she warns. “Reading your memories will have worn you out. Rest, okay? You’ll need to sleep it off.”
He sinks to the floor, legs muscles failing him. My fingers itch to help him, but I know I’ll be pulled back before Lucy has the chance to explain what she saw.
“Well?” Jaxon asks.
“Good as gold if you ask me.” She shrugs simply. “And he did let Ava go and almost got killed because of it. He hasn’t done wrong, Jaxon. He’s a kid who was brought up in an environment that was toxic.”
I sigh a breath of relief. I never doubted him. Now, Jaxon has no choice but to let him go and treat him with the respect he deserves. “Fine,” he snaps. “He can stay, but he’s still going to be under watch until I trust him. He’s related to that monster, and I won’t ever forgive myself if something happens to Ava or the pack.”
“Do not keep him in the dungeon.” I shake my head. “Move him to the annexe at least where he can be watched.”
“He is not to be alone with Ava or any of the other girls, not until I can completely trust him. I’m not taking any chances.” He flicks his eyes between us and the guards before they land back on me again. “Especially not where you’re involved.”
I huff. “Jax–”
“Do I make myself clear?”
My core tightens at the tone of his authoritative voice. “Yes,” I whisper because there is no point arguing with him right now.
“Great.” He nods.
“He needs a shower,” Lucy says with her lips twisted downwards. “And a hearty meal.”
Jaxon turns to the guards. “Take him to the annexe and don’t let him out of your sight. He is to wash and have food brought up to his room. If he wants to leave the annexe, then he must be accompanied by at least two guards. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Alpha.”
“If I see him walking around without guards or in places he shouldn’t be, I will gut each and every one of you,” he threatens in a lethally calm tone.
I shudder watching him. “Yes, Alpha.”
“Good,” he rasps before turning back to me. “Let’s head to the house.”
Jaxon takes my hand and leads me out of the dungeon in silence. I peek up at him, but his eyes are set forward and narrowed. I frown at the moody expression.
“I take it you’re pissed at me.”
“For going down there without telling anyone first? Yes.”
My eyes flicker at his sharp tone. “I knew I was safe. The guards were there.”
He pauses and turns to me suddenly, his tall stature backing me into the nearest tree. My spine hits the bark with a light thud. “What if something happened to you?”
“But it didn’t.” I tilt my chin towards him.
He breathes through his nose heavily. “That is beside the point, Ava. Do not do that again. Do not scare me like that again.”
Within the flash of a second, fear and relief cross his eyes like a blur of light. My lips twitch downwards at his reaction. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “Evan crossed my mind and my curiosity got the better of me.”
Jaxon’s hand slides across my cheek, and his fingers lightly grip the back of my hair. “I would never forgive myself if something happened to you, Ava. Never.”
“I’m okay.” I press my face into his hand. “I’m right here.”
“Please, ask me to come with you when you want to explore.”
“I knew you’d say no.”
“I wouldn’t have said no.” He shakes his head firmly. “I wouldn’t have agreed with it, but I would never stop you from doing it. I’ve told you before, we are equals.”