“They are going to kill you, Ava. You need to go now before they get back!”
My head shakes from confusion. Is this real? I must be dreaming. I haven’t had a drop of water in forever. I’m going out of my mind.
“I-I don’t understand,” I murmur, attempting to lick my cracked lips but my tongue is equally as dry.
“Ava,” he shakes me again. “Don’t you dare be stupid right now. Lucien rejected you. You have a whole life to live. Please just run and never look back. Get as far as possible and go seek help. I should have stood up for you sooner. I need you to go before they come back!”
Evan unbuckles my last shackle, and it hits the floor with a thud. “There is a door down at the end of the hall they never lock for easy access. It takes you out into the forest. Turn right and run. Find the road, it’ll take you to the nearest town. You have an hour until they notice.”
I blink at him in disbelief. “W-why are you doing this?”
He’s risking his own life for me.
“Because you don’t deserve this. I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened. I’ve been silent for too long, and now I’m ready for the consequences. Just go!”
I stand on shaky legs and take a breath, even though my ribs ache. I don’t know if I’m going to make it, but I have to try. I haven’t gone through hell and back to give up now when I’m given my only chance.
With a few wobbly steps, I rush down the hall and out the back door. I blink rapidly from the brightness and shield my eyes for a moment before turning my head to the right. Then, I run for my life.
For the past five minutes, I’ve been watching Lucy intently as she whimpers and grimaces. I know better than to snap her out of her trance. I’ve seen what it can do, and it’s not a pleasant experience. I have to let her ride it out–even if she didn’t want to dive into Ava’s mind in the first place.
Her facial expressions twitch and change almost every second, her lips trembling with what looks like pure fear. My heart pounds in my throat as I wait. Patience is not my friend right now.
After what feels like an eternity, the white film casting over Lucy’s eyes finally dissolves to restore her natural blue. Her lips part to take a huge gulp of air, but it’s not just one breath, it’s multiple. She’s panicking. Never in my twenty-six years of life have I ever witnessed Lucy have a panic attack.
“Hey, hey,” I say softly. I press my hands to her shoulder to remind her she’s safe. “Lucy, slow down your breathing.”
But she doesn’t listen. I don’t even recognise her right now.
Bash, Lucy needs you. I mindlink her mate because she needs their bond to soothe her. Infirmary, now.
“Lucy, you need to take slower breaths.” I move in front of her as those terrified eyes glaze over mine. “You’re hyperventilating. Try to focus on my breathing.”
Nothing I say helps. My hand slips down her shoulder, and I give her arm a soft squeeze to let her know I’m here. “It’s gonna be okay, Luce. I’ve got you, and Sebastian is coming. He’s going to be here any second.”
Tears stream down her face without her even blinking, staining her rosy cheeks. The door pushes open behind me, and I glance over my shoulder to find Sebastian. “What’s going on?” he demands.
He wraps an arm around her protectively and caresses her hair. “It’s okay, Luce. I’m here. Nothing is going to happen to you.”
I watch them for a long moment. Lucy continues to breathe heavily, the sound erupting around the room. Then it suddenly dawns on me—whatever she’s panicking about, is what Ava has been through. I struggle to swallow the lump in my throat as my body freezes.
Lucy’s chest eventually slows, and she grips her mate for comfort and familiarity. “Are you okay?” I lean forward. Sebastian cups her head and brings it towards his chest so she can listen to the beat of his heart.
After a few moments, she nods, wiping stray tears from her cheeks with shaky hands. “What happened?” Sebastian asks, searching her face for answers. “Did you look into her past?”
“Yeah,” she rasps. “I couldn’t stop it. Her entire mind took over my body, and I tried so hard not to see the things I did. I’m sorry for scaring you. I didn’t mean to panic, it just came over me all of a sudden. Ava must get panic attacks because you know how sometimes, people’s memories can affect me afterwards.”
“You’re safe, sweetheart.” Bash kisses the side of her head delicately.
Lucy sniffles. “I know,” her voice cracks. “But I don’t think she is.”
Goosebumps graze my skin as she beckons her head over to Ava as she sleeps peacefully. “What do you mean?” I dip my head.
Her droopy, red eyes find mine. “S-she had a mate before, Jaxon.” I ignore the pang of something in my chest that I have no right to claim. “And he was an Alpha.”