Page 62 of Stir

I don’t have the words to tell her how much I see in her, how much it matters, how much she has come to matter, or how proud I am of her. How much I care for her.

I use my mouth to show her in other ways instead.

She comes again under my tongue, Nic’s hands teasing her nipples, stroking every inch of her he can reach. He hasn’t stopped kissing her either, and I wonder if he’s trying to convey a message of his own.

“I need one of you inside me,” she says.

That pulls me up short.

“Uh.” I look at Nic for help. He frowns, shaking his head slightly. “I didn’t exactly plan for hooking up at the office.”

Natalie leans up on her elbows, frowning now, too, though not without amusement. “You didn’t seem too bothered by it a minute ago.”

“I mean, I don’t have any condoms. They’re all at my apartment.”

Natalie looks back at Nic, who lets out a short laugh.

“Woman, I have never in my life fooled around at work before. Don’t look at me.”

There’s a collective air of disappointment. Natalie makes her way off the couch, reclaiming her underwear. Nic adjusts an impressive-looking hard-on through his pants.

Which reminds me.

“Hold up.” I push him back against the arm of the sofa before he can get to his feet. “I still think you bought this couch for office nooky.”

Nic laughs again. “That’s because you’re still certifiable.”

“Fine, maybe I’m wrong, but I tell you what, I cannot look at this thing without thinking about blow jobs.” His mouth drops open in a perfect O. He doesn’t resist when I hook my hands behind his knees and tug him lower in his seat, unzipping his pants and freeing his cock. Natalie stops the search for her clothes, coming closer, sliding a hand down my stomach.

“Blow jobs, plural?” she murmurs.

“Fuck, yes.”

I sit back enough to get my fly open, letting her pull me out. There are probably easier ways to do this, but I’m not about to stop now. Watching her wet her lips is distracting as hell, so I turn my focus to the task at hand before I lose my nerve.

Or in hand. Nic’s shaft throbs, already hard as hell from our tandem worship of Natalie’s body. A drop of fluid forms at the tip as I watch. I swipe it with my thumb, bringing it to my mouth to taste. Nic groans. He’s so thick I nearly can’t close my fingers around him.

“How do you take this, Nat? I can’t imagine having such a fat dick inside me.” Nic’s hips hitch at that, trying to force my hand to give him a stroke. I move with him, not giving him any friction, teasing him with pressure I know from experience is too light to satisfy. I know he likes this, hearing me talk about him like this. Like he’s some weird kind of voyeur, but not, because he’s right here in the room.

“It’s a lot to take,” she says, sliding her perfect mouth off me with a pop I can feel in my damn soul. “But once it’s in, it feels so good.”

Nic throbs harder. I can feel the desperation building in him.

“Tell me about it,” I say to her, wrapping her hand around the base of my shaft, guiding her lightly up and down, keeping the pace slow. Much as I’m dying to get off after tasting her, after seeing her incredible body, Nic’s going first this time, or I’ll die trying.

Natalie swallows, licking her lips slowly, her eyes meeting mine. “It’s so thick,” she says slowly. Nic’s breath comes faster. “I have to be really wet to take him, or it won’t fit.”

He slams his head back against the armrest.

“You’re going to kill me,” he grits out.

I squeeze him firmly enough that he goes still, relaxing by degrees as he backs off from the edge. Natalie leans forward and licks the head of my cock, demanding my attention. I look down.

“Do you think you could take him like that?” she asks, tilting her head coyly.

I know she’s performing for Nic, playing this game with me, but I’ve asked myself the same question more than once the last couple of weeks. We’ve never talked about it, not even like this, this sexy foreplay to wind each other up.

Nic has gone stone-still. I don’t even think he’s breathing. I can’t tell if he’s afraid of the answer or if he’s so hot for it, he’s about to come.