“Tasia!” Mellie’s stern voice reaches my ears over the clamoring of the patrons and crooning music.

She’s at my side in an instant, and when I catch my breath and glance at her, her annoyance fades into concern.

Throwing a bar towel over her shoulder and gripping me by the shoulders, she peers up at me. “What the hell happened to you?”

I use my thumb to swipe at the makeup I know is smudged beneath my eyes. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”

“Not worried about it. I owed you one anyway.”

“Would you miss me?” I ask.


“If I died?”

She pauses, staring at me for a few blinks. Then she wraps her fingers around my wrist and pulls me toward the bathroom. What she lacks in height, she sure makes up for in strength—mentally and physically. “Clean yourself up. Take a minute or ten.”

“I’m good,” I reassure her.

She snorts, swatting me with her towel. “At least look in the mirror before trying to bullshit me, Tay. You look like a raccoon’s ass.” She crinkles her nose. “Smell like one, too.”


“Go.” She uses her firm, motherly tone with me, shoving me toward the bathroom. “The bar ain’t going anywhere. Neither am I.”

“But…Axel…” I protest, worried about her getting back to her two-year-old son.

“With Nana.”

My arms itch to reach out and pull Mellie into a hug, but I refrain, not wanting to taint her with my sweatiness. She returns to the bar, so I adhere to her instruction, entering the single-stall bathroom and locking the door.

Facing the mirror, I grimace at how awful I look. My lavender soul-shade wavers around me, taunting me. It’s a reminder that I can’t escape my ability, no matter how much I try.

With a sigh, I wash my face, scrubbing off all the makeup. After tonight’s events, I don’t care about my appearance.

But I realize two things.

One, there isn’t anyone in my life who would miss me if I died.

Two, I wasn’t hallucinating the Nightcrawler’s soul-shade. It wasn’t a trick of the light. It wasn’t poor eyesight.

His soul-shade wasn't a grungy, murky color like dark brown, or even a vivid primary color. No, it was unlike anything I’ve seen before.

It was stunningly bright, vibrant.

As golden as those eyes of his.

Non-Interference and Prompt Reporting of Criminal Activity

Silver Edict #4

“Citizens must promptly report any suspicious activities or criminal behavior to the Silver Scouts, by the direct order of the High Chancellor. By our collective vigilance, we fortify the resilience and security of the Silver citizens.”



After getting rid of the nosey couple, I stare in the direction the blonde woman ran, wondering how she saw the Reaper.