A grin tugged at the corner of Fynn's lips. "Let's hear it then, Larpos."
"Odds and evens."
"How do you play?" I asked.
However, between Fynn's devilish smirk and Sylvia's bright amber eyes, I wasn't sure I wanted the answer. Still, I couldn't back out now.
"Put the stack of cards in the center of the table. When it's your turn, you pull a card. If it's an even card, you get to ask someone a question, which they either must answer truthfully or drink," Sylvia said.
"And if it's an odd?" I asked, swallowing.
"You get to dare someone to do something. If the person refuses, they drink."
"In!" Moris shouted, slamming his mug onto the table.
Sylvia turned to Fynn and me, the silent question between us.
"Isn't this a little childish?" I asked.
Fynn slid the stack of shuffled cards to the center of the table. He leaned closer to me. Pieces of his hair fell in front of his face, over his brown eyes shadowed in darkness. He cocked a brow, his voice lowering. "Come on, Ferrios. What do you have to lose?"
He brushed his hand across the deck and swiped the card through the air. He held it in between two fingers.
The five of hearts stared back at us. "Play or drink, love?"
A challenge sparkled gold in his eyes. While many things might have changed over the years, my inability to back down from a challenge did not.
I clicked my tongue, shaking my head. "Such a pity."
"What?" Fynn asked.
I snatched the card from him, his empty fingers hanging in the air between us. "What a waste of a card on such a silly question."
Moriswhistled and rubbed his hands together as he scooted closer to the table. "Let's see who our Crown Prince really is."
I cocked a brow in Fynn's direction.
"Ask me anything," he said, his eyes still locked on mine. He turned to Moris and draped his arm across the back of the bench, the tips of his fingers brushing across my shoulder. "I'm an open book. As for you all, I don't know if I can say the same."
As my heart thumped, now, more than ever, I was thankful for my strong shields.
I turned to Sylvia. "Your turn, Sylv."
Sylvia picked up a card and flipped it over to reveal the eight of clubs. "Fynn," Sylvia called, formalities long gone after a few drinks.
"Hit me, Larpos."
"What do you like the most about Dani?"
Humming, Fynn spun his mug on the table as he surveyed me.
Unable to hold his gaze, I picked up my drink, breaking the connection. I took a sip. A long sip.
Only when I swallowed did Fynn finally answer.
"Her tenacity."
"Her tenacity?" Sylvia repeated.