"We are not telling people that," I said, shoving him.
Fynn chuckled. "Do you have any better ideas?"
I tapped my foot on the ground, running through the possible scenarios. When it came down to it, it was always best to stick to the truth as much as possible when lying. Fewer traps to fall into.
I took a deep breath. "Actually, I do. I've had a crush on you since we were little, but?—"
He snapped his fingers, nodding. "But you were too scared to say anything because I made you too nervous."
"What?" I jerked my head back. "That was not what I was going to say! I was going to say that it was nothing serious and quickly went away."
Fynn folded his arms over his chest, a sideways smile appearing on his face. "Nope, I like my version better."
"Fine," I said through clenched teeth. "The night of the crowning ceremony?—"
"You were jealous seeing me dance with all those women and finally had enough. After the ball, you finally confessed, but I brushed it off."
My nails bit into my arms, but I added, "Then, when you heard about the suitors my mother was having me see, you grew even more jealous than I was and realized you had secret feelings for me, too."
Fynn snapped his head toward me, aghast. "What? That's ridiculous."
Smiling, I shook my head. If one of us was harboring a childhood secret in this fake courtship, both of us were—even if one of us might have been telling the truth.
I poked him in the chest, hoping he couldn’t see the truth. "Nope, we're sticking to it."
"Fine." Then Fynn did the unexpected.
He slipped his hand in mine, and my brows twisted together. When I peered at him, he quirked a brow.
"Jorian and the guards might not be able to hear us, but they are watching. Might as well get used to it now."
I bit down on my tongue, and Fynn leaned closer, his scruff brushing against my cheek. "Rekindled feelings, remember?"
"Right," I said as he led us forward.
I wrapped my arm around his and hoped that the fluttering in my stomach was only a fluke and nothing more.
Chapter 9
Arm in arm with Dani, I tipped my chin up as I strolled into the private suite, a nonchalant grin plastered on my face.
All the patrons within the suite—my mother, Terin, Airos, and various lords and ladies—turned in their seats toward us as the curtains on the stage rolled back. The conductor stepped onto the stage and raised a hand toward the royal box, yet all eyes in the box were on Dani and me.
Terin's thoughts spiraled toward me. Why is Dani here? And why is she on your arm?
Ignoring my brother's pressing thoughts, I led Dani past the sitting patrons. The thoughts of the lords and ladies brushed across me, quick and fleeting.
Is that the Ferrios daughter?
What is she doing here?
Are they holding hands?
When we reached my mother, she said, "Fynneares, I'm so happy you decided to join us. For a moment, I thought you weren't going to show."
"And miss one of Lorenza's world-renowned performances? Never," I said, leaning forward to place a quick peck on my mother's cheek.The gifted singer could pull tears from the audience with a single note. It was truly a sight to behold.