Including his students because he was constantly late.
Larry gave me a wave as he followed his frustrated mate, looking like he was nearly giggling. He seemed to have decided Nicholas’s frustration was cute or funny, but after my time with Jerker, I had a feeling Larry was just enjoying finding reasons to punish his naughty mate.
But I wasn’t the one getting punished or fucked with, and they’d cleared up a lot of my worries, so I was feeling much better as I finished up the last of my to-do list before lunch. Of course, I started to find where my worries had wandered off to by the time I’d sat down in the small employee lounge where I was hiding with my lunch.
“I’m just texting him and making sure he knows what I want.” Grateful I was the only one in the room at the moment, I took a deep breath. “He’s not human. He needs to know what makes me happy for him to be happy. Nicholas told him to make sure to tell me if he doesn’t like something.”
I still wasn’t sure I believed that Jerker would actually put his wants before mine, but it was nice to know at least one person had told him not to be a martyr.
“You can do this.” It was literally just texting.
I had to repeat it a few more times before I managed to text Jerker, but eventually I did it.
Hey, thank you for putting your number in my phone.
Not bad. Not too short. Not too whiny.
What next?
I was so distracted this morning enjoying our time together that I forgot to ask what our plans are.
Okay, a bit presumptive on the plans part but he wasn’t human and he kept calling me my Theo. That meant I got to be a little bit presumptive.
I might’ve reminded myself of that a few times too but relief flooded through me when his reply popped up faster than I’d expected.
You are welcome, my Theo. Communication about daily events is important. I will remind you of that in our morning discussions.
Every morning, even when we were texting, or did that sound like he was going to be with me on a daily basis?
Deciding not to ask, I shook my head.
I think that’s a good idea. I should’ve remembered to ask you if you wanted to have dinner tonight or if you were busy.
Yes, not pushy and he had an out if he needed it.
I will never be too busy for you, my Theo. However, I have researched dinner options for you and practice is important when learning new skills.
Was cooking in general a new skill?
Was making food for a human new?
Okay, that topic needed to go on the list too.
Along with asking about where he was living and what he liked to eat. Yep, I needed a list…and the gumption to ask how often he was expecting to sleep over.
Chapter 11
“I’m sorry. I think there were a lot of things I should’ve asked you this morning.” It wasn’t the best way to start a conversation, but it was what’d come out as he kind of poured himself in my car. “Is this where you’re working?”
Should I have made sure he went home to change?
I’d dropped him off wearing the same pants he’d worn to dinner and that just screamed he’d hooked up. But I wasn’t sure if he would know that. I also didn’t know if he’d want his coworkers to know that.
“I do not have a social purpose as of yet.” He gestured toward the office building as I pulled away from the front. “The top floors were converted into what I am told are short-term apartments designed for those of my people who are…transitioning?”
He didn’t seem to like the word but I thought I got it. “So for people who are coming down from the ship like you did or who are between houses?”
“Yes.” Nodding and looking better once he knew I understood, he perked up. “It provides sufficient space during transitory times.”