Page 135 of The Heat of Us

“Hazel, I can see that leaving you alone was a mistake,” she said, clasping her hands together formally. “I should’ve worked harder to keep you in church, even after everything you did. Now look how far you’ve strayed.”

I couldn’t talk but I could definitely roll my eyes.

“I cannot have my daughter living in sin like this. That’s why I’ve asked Damien to take care of you. He is willing to…overlook your transgressions and become your bonded alpha.”

What the ever-loving FUCK.

So this is what she meant by wanting me “taken care of”.

Not killing me.

Way, way, way, way, way worse than that.

“He is a good alpha and a good Christian,” my mum continued, oblivious to the steam pouring from my skull. “He will be able to put you back on the path to righteousness.”

She nodded to him like a signal and he left the room. A signal for what?

I met my mother’s pitying gaze unflinchingly and gestured vaguely around us.

“This doesn’t seem very what would Jesus do. Or did I miss the verses on kidnapping and forced bonding when I wasn’t paying attention in Sunday school?”

Her shoulders straightened, buoyed with purpose. “With Damien’s guidance you will find your way back to the Lord. In time, you will understand why I’ve done what I’ve done and thank me. Everything I do is for you, my daughter."

Self-righteous hag.

There were heavy footsteps and the creak of a floorboard as Damien reappeared.

With two vials.

And a syringe.

“What the fuck are those,” I hissed.

Damien ignored me. “I will teach you to be an obedient omega. To serve your alpha and your God as you were put on this earth to do.”

“You will go into heat here, Hazel. When it is over, everything will be alright.”

My mother’s soothing tone would give me fresh nightmares to haunt me.

I think the only thing that stopped me from crawling up the wall like an exorcised demon was that I did not, and would not give them the satisfaction of my fear.

“Heat inducers? That’s prescription-grade medication,” I said, willing my voice not to waver. “Where did you get that from?”

Damien smirked. “The Brotherhood has its ways.”

“This is good, Hazel,” my mother said earnestly. “Otherwise we would’ve had to wait until your next heat. Do you know how helpless I felt hearing about everything you’ve been doing? I prayed for this and the Lord answered.”

My whole body went rigid. Fight or flight desperately trying to kick in. I blinked hard several times, wishing that when I opened my eyes I would see something, anything except the alpha advancing on me.

Even if he bonds me, I’ve broken a bond before.

I can do it again…right?

But the thought of it was heartbreaking.

Having to break another bond before I could…before I could…

The faces of my pack swam before my eyes and wavered.