Page 116 of The Heat of Us

“Aleks,” she said breathlessly.

I was no alpha but that definitely made something inside me go feral.

“Are you going to be a good girl and come on his face?”

Hazel couldn’t hang onto the phone any longer, tossing it to one side so all Remy got was her sharp, keening cry and the wet sound of my fingers pistoning in and out of her roughly.

“Well, now I’m hard.” Remy’s resigned voice broke the panting silence.

I picked the phone up. “Go make a solo video. Hazel and I are staying here overnight. Tell Ben.”

“Ok, but surely you’re not done with—”

“No. But the show’s over.”

I hung up on him mid-protest, no doubt about to extol the virtues of phone sex.

I kissed along her thigh and belly and laced my fingers with hers. Her body was warm but her extremities were still cold.

“Shower.” The more I thought about the idea the more I liked it. “Now.”

I swept her up in my arms and took only two wrong turns navigating my way to the bathroom.

“You’re very bossy today,” Hazel informed me as I set her down.

I undid the clasp on her bra and her luscious tits spilled out. “What?” I said, hopelessly distracted.

“Never mind.”

I really liked all aspects of Hazel. Plant hoarding Hazel. Cuddle fiend Hazel. I didn’t even mind pyjama buying Hazel, truthfully.

Naked, wet Hazel, however, was quickly becoming my favourite Hazel.

She had slipped into the shower first. She pressed her hands and other things against the glass and looked at me through dew-tipped lashes.


I shucked off the last of my clothes. “Hopefully not yet,” I gritted out.

Her laugh was like a sprinkle of sunshine.

Whenever we had been together previously I was always focused on making sure she got her pleasure first. And second. And usually third too.

I was not prepared for her to sink to her knees as soon as I stepped into the shower.

“W-what are you doing?”

Dumb, stupid, entirely rhetorical question.

“You never let me play with him,” Hazel pouted.

I didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry?”

“I want to do it more.”

She encircled my shaft with her fingers and gave me one long, thorough stroke. My molars were already disintegrating in my mouth.

“You can have whatever you bloody want, Hazel.”