“It’s ok for it to be both.”
Her scent couldn’t really compete with the harsh bluster or saltwater spray. But I managed to catch a tiny, wispy sense of it.
Coconut palms and lime zest. The beach that it reminded me of was nothing like the one we were on. But the sea was the same beating heart, there for us no matter whether the sun shone or not.
Hazel let me kiss her.
And she let the ocean heal her.
“Do you want to drive back now?”
We were back in the car, blasting the heater and trying to defrost.
Hazel looked thoughtful. “When do you start work tomorrow?”
“Not until 1.”
This seemed to please her. “Let’s find somewhere to stay. We can wake up early and drive home before your shift.”
Well, how was I supposed to say no to that?
It was the off season and we were nowhere near any major tourist destinations. I managed to find a vacant short-term homestay twenty minutes away and booked it through an app.
We stopped at one of the larger regional town centres on the way and her face lit up when she spotted a shiny white department store.
We had made plans to grab essentials for an overnight stay. Given that she was radiating excitement I knew it was all about to fall apart.
I think she wanted to have — I grimaced slightly — fun.
We were going to go shopping.
I didn’t like this.
Hazel bounced, actually bounced inside. Everything was garish, the signage screamed at me and the rows of merchandise never-ending. I spotted the section she was leading to me to and I subconsciously dug my heels in.
“No, Hazel. Don’t do this to me.”
She was still able to tug me along. When did she get this strong?
“We can’t sleep in these clothes,” she said like I was being ridiculous.
“We don’t have to sleep in anything, let’s just be naked,” I countered desperately.
Hazel paused on the spot, like she didn’t consider this. It gave me hope.
But then she continued on, no less determined. “No. We can still end up naked but this is happening.”
She was going to dress me.
I couldn’t stop her.
Hazel gasped. I looked at what she was staring at and my stomach plummeted.