Page 83 of Her Alpha Bosses

Eli’s jaw tensed, sharpening like a blade. “Whatever. I’m not telling you where she is. I’m not stupid.”

“No Callie, no deal,” Sawyer replied and his shoulders rose an inch.

“You’ll get her,” Eli remarked. “After our deal is signed and dated, and that patent is mine. I’m not stupid enough to give you my only bargaining chip. Soon as you have her, you won’t sign shit. So I’m keeping her until my name is on the dotted line.”

Fuck. Our limited options continued to decrease, and with no hint as to what condition Callie was in, were we at a loss?

Realistically, what could we do to him? A threat to Eli was a threat to Callie.

“Bullshit,” I snapped. “You’re not getting a single thing until we know Callie is safe. Until one of us has verified it for ourselves.”

“Why, do you think I’m carting around her dead body to puppet for you?” Eli snorted.

A chill stole around my heart, and to my left, Liam shifted his weight between each foot. The thought of Callie dead was too much to bear, even as a threat and I stepped closer.

Sawyer, it seemed, shared the same distress. “The longer you keep her from us, the more hell that is going to rain down on your pathetic little head. Did you forget that we have the money? We have the power, we have the patent and we have the motivation. And you, you fucking snake, are all alone with us.”

For the first time, apprehension crossed Eli’s face. Even though he straightened up and stuck his chin out slightly, his eyes lingered on the mouth of the alleyway.

“Did you really think we would come here and just roll over for you?” Liam snapped.

“You forget one thing,” Eli sneered and he took a half step backward.

“And what’s that?” I demanded.

“I hold all the cards. You’re here to protect Callie and her baby, so whatever you want to do to be, you can’t because I’m the only person who knows where she is.”

Wait… did he say baby?!

Callie was pregnant? Since when?

“You won’t get within a State of her because?—!”

His threats died in a strangled cry as Sawyer launched himself forward and body-slammed into Eli with a roar. Tangled together, they both toppled down the platform and rolled down the stone steps, trapped in one another’s grip.

I glanced at Liam. My own confusion was mirrored in his own eyes.

Callie was pregnant. The how was obvious but when? And by who?

All questions that could wait given Sawyer’s murderous intent. They both landed in a heap at the bottom of the steps. Sawyer was quick to get on top and throw the first punch. The blow forced Eli’s head to the side with a cry, then he threw an elbow into Sawyer’s gut and knocked him backward.

“Where is she?!” Sawyer roared, scrambling back up and climbing on top of Eli. “Where the fuck is she?” Blow after blow rained down on Eli until the rat was able to punch Sawyer square in the face. As Sawyer fell, Eli scrambled upward with a ragged gasp but he immediately met my own fist.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“You can’t do this!” Eli screamed, then he grunted as I punched him in the stomach. He doubled over and Liam’s knee rose quickly, smashing into his face.

Blow after blow landed until I had Ely by the collar. I dragged him to the mouth of the alley and tossed him down next to a dumpster. The stink of trash was eye-watering.

“You had one chance,” I growled, bringing my foot down on his hand. Eli whimpered and grabbed at my ankle but with blood pouring from his face and one eye rapidly swelling shut, he had nothing. Shoes scuffed along the ground as Liam and Sawyer came to stand behind me.

“Think of millions,” I hissed, leaning my body weight forward onto Eli’s trapped hand. It won’t take me long to find out every move you made today, and I will track her down. I don’t need you alive to do it, and frankly, I am tired of you.”

“You hurt the woman we love,” Sawyer muttered behind me. “Fuck the patent. This stopped being about business the moment you threatened Callie.”

“And the stink here?” Liam scoffed. “No one’s gonna smell you until you’re a bag of bones.”

“Okay!” Eli gargled through the blood in his mouth. “Fuckin’— fucking hell. Okay!”