Page 23 of Her Alpha Bosses

She drained her wine glass and flashed me a supportive smile.

“All I’m saying is that it doesn’t help to contemplate all your options now that you’ve had time to sit with what he did. I won’t deny that it’s really fucking weird, but then he’s rich. Rich people play by different rules.”

Amidst the restaurant’s hubbub and my waning hunger, I had to relent that maybe Bianca had a point. Despite the sleaziness I was certain hid behind his intentions, he had paid a bill I had no hope of paying yet. Maybe this really was just the breathing room I’d been looking for.

“Maybe,” I sighed finally, abandoning my meal and leaning my elbows on the table. “Either way, I’m going to cancel the payment. Or save up and pay him back just in case.”

“Whatever makes you feel better,” Bianca nodded. “But for now, that bill is paid, and your mother’s treatment is secured. That's a silver lining, no?”

She had a point. The rest of dinner passed quickly, and as our appetite shifted from food to alcohol, the desire to go somewhere and get a real drink rose. Mostly, I wanted to forget just enough that Eli vanished from my mind, but I maintained the delightful memory of my morning with Sawyer.

“So, where should we go?” Bianca asked as we stepped out into the street and she wrestled with her bag getting caught in her strap.

“Here, let me help,” I laughed, taking the strap in my hand and working with her to free the tangle. “How about Joey’s? They should have two for one, right? We like tasty and cheap.”

“Sounds good!”

“Callie?” A voice I recognized caught my attention. As I finished with Bianca, I turned and found myself face-to-face with Kane. There was something strange about seeing him out here in the middle of the street like a regular person when he was a billionaire.

“Kane! It’s good to see you.”

“You too.” Kane leaned forward and patted my shoulder briefly, then flashed Bianca a warm smile. “Sorry to interrupt. I’m Kane.”

“Bianca,” she grinned. “Charmed, I’m sure.” Her gaze wandered over Kane even as he turned back to me, and she was not subtle about it.

“Having a good night?” he asked.

“It’s definitely been a kind of night,” I chuckled. “We were just heading out for drinks actually.”

“Join us!” Bianca cut in, taking my hand and looping her arm through Kane’s. “It’s always more fun with one more!”

“Oh, I’m sure he has stuff he needs to—” I started to say, but Bianca had already started walking and dragging both of us with her. I caught Kane’s gaze over the top of her head, and he grinned.

“I could spare time for a drink.”



Changing from a bar to a nightclub was the right call.

Nothing could distract better than the pounding base of loud music, the sea of people all caught up in the flow of things, and the sharp tang that followed each bite of alcohol.

It wasn’t my usual haunt when I still had work the next day but given everything that happened today, it was just what I needed. Having Kane with us was a strange twist. Despite the initial awkwardness, things loosened up really quickly. It helped that the bouncer let us into the nightclub with just a glance at Kane. Never had we gotten through a line that fast and Bianca plastered a grateful kiss to Kane’s cheek before she vanished toward the bar.

“I’m sorry if you had plans tonight,” I called over the swell of the music. “If you need an excuse to escape then just let me know.”

“Actually,” Kane said as he led the way through the crowd while keeping his body angled toward me. “I had no plans. I just finished up a business meeting and usually I like to walk through the city after that.”

“And now you’re here?” I grinned up at him. “Bit of a difference.”

“I like the people of the city, the life, and the energy. It’s the same here as it is out there so I see no difference.”

“Alright, but I don’t want Sawyer calling me because you signed on the wrong line with a hangover tomorrow.”

“Noted!” Kane’s hand moved to the small of my back as he guided me through the last thick fringes of the crowd to the bar, where Bianca was already in the arms of an attractive man. I tapped her shoulder, our signal to let her know I was here without disturbing her as she snogged the face of the man she had found.

“Well,” I smiled and leaned against the bar, ignoring how sticky the surface was. “Looks like you’re saving me from flying solo.”