Page 11 of Her Alpha Bosses

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Sawyer quickly access employee records and extend the paid maternity leave for Amelie in accounting.

What a softie.

“Callie?” The unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line seemed cheery and warm.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Sawyer didn’t take over from me as he stood, so I knew that was the right call.

“Even for an old friend?”

“Who may I note down is calling?”

“It’s me, Liam! Liam Hall.”

Liam. I knew that name.

Wait, Liam as the COO of Crane Enterprises? Spinning on the spot, I opened my mouth to tell Sawyer, but the words died in my throat. Sawyer stood near his desk, talking intently with an older man that I hadn’t even heard enter the office.

I recognized him in an instant. It was Sawyer’s father, Marcus.

“If you’re looking for Mr. Crane, then I’m sorry, but he’s not currently available.”

“He just doesn’t want to talk to me, huh?” Liam laughed. “No worries. Just tell Sawyer that I’m returning his summons and I’ll be back in the States early next week.”

“Not a problem, I will let him know.”

“Cheers. Thanks, Callie.”

“No problem sir.”

The line clicked dead, and I slowly lowered the receiver, hyper-aware of Marcus’ presence.

I knew very little about Sawyer’s father beyond Marcus’s own reputation. He stepped down from his position of CEO after the death of his wife, Sawyer’s mother, but he visited often enough to express his distaste at Sawyer’s decision to turn the company toward the medical field. In his eyes, Sawyer was making a mockery of the Crane name and the reputation Marcus had built up in the investment industry.

Today looked to be no different.

“Kane Lewis?” Marcus hissed bitterly. “Did you honestly think you could conduct such a meeting without my knowledge?”

“Dad,” Sawyer said tightly. “As I have told you before, how I conduct business is not your concern.”

“It is my concern!” Marcus snapped, slamming his palm flat onto the desk, making me jump. “Do you have any idea of the shame I’m forced to carry because you decided to take the golden goose egg I worked on for years to prepare for you, and tear it apart? All you had to do was sit in the damned chair for the next thirty years and let the money roll in!”

Now did not seem like the best time to tell Sawyer about Liam so with slow movements, I edged out of my chair and stepped away – only for my skirt to catch on the edge of the seat and tip it backward. I darted forward and caught the chair before it could topple to the floor. Setting it upright, my relief was short-lived when I turned to see Marcus glaring at me and Sawyer’s face twisted into an unreadable expression.

He seemed annoyed that I was even here as if he’d forgotten my very presence.

“What are you doing in here?” Marcus barked so loudly that I jumped at his rapid change in tone. “Get out!”

“We were working,” I replied as a tremble swept up my arms.

Suddenly, Sawyer strode forward and grasped me by the arm. His grip was firm but painless as he guided me toward the door. Obviously, he wanted me to leave quickly, but maybe I could relay the message quickly.

“That was Liam on the phone,” I said hurriedly. “He’s arriving next week?—”

“Can’t even have a private conversation,” Marcus cut in with a snarl. “Is this the ship you run here? What an utter disgrace you are turning out to be, Sawyer. If your mother could see you now, she would turn in her grave!”

Sawyer released me with a glare just outside his office, then slammed the door in my face.