I stared up at him, struggling for a response. It took a moment for my brain to catch up with the implications of his words. Of course, I’d suspected he’d have me watched, but this confirmed it. I also hadn’t seen anyone watching me when I’d left Mrs. Cunningham’s, so I’d have to be more careful next time.
“That’s because you don’t know me… at all.” The tart reply I finally came up with didn’t have the sting I’d hoped for. Giacomo chuckled.
“I know you well enough.”
“Ha. Like what?” I tilted my chin in challenge, though some part of me was also genuinely curious. How well could he possibly know me?
Enjoying the challenge in Hailey’s expression, I smiled widely.
“I know you were strong enough to leave your grandfather and start a new life.” I enjoyed the way her eyes widened at the implied compliment, which was sincere. I truly did admire her gumption. “I know you love to help people, you go out of your way to aid others, and you love good chocolate. Which I’m happy to provide, by the way.”
“The chocolate or the aid to others?” she asked sassily.
I chuckled. I did like her fire.
Her eyes widened. I’d surprised her.
“The DiNardo Family is happy to lend its financial support to all kinds of worthy causes,” I said, grinning down at her. “My mother runs a soup kitchen out of St. George’s.” Like most of the Familias, we were Catholic. Unlike some, we actually took many of those responsibilities seriously. My mother certainly did.
“My grandfather never…” She bit her lip, cutting herself off before she could finish the sentence. Suspicion hovered in her eyes, directed at me. I could tell she was wondering if I was telling the truth.
“I have no reason to lie.” She would be my wife either way.
Still suspicious, she didn’t respond, her gaze going to where Gio and her friend were dancing. Gio looked as if he was enjoying himself, but Hailey’s friend kept looking back at us.
“Who’s your friend?” None of the reports had indicated any close relationships, which hadn’t surprised me. While she had a group of friends from work, there hadn’t seemed to be any particular attachment. Was she worried about this friend because of the circumstances or because we had missed something?
“Leave her alone.” Hailey’s attention whipped back around to me, and a sour expression crossed her face as she realized how much she had revealed. She was smart enough to understand she’d just admitted a weakness but was too drunk to be able to hide her reactions. If she’d been sober, she likely would have tried to pretend her friend was nothing more than a co-worker.
This was exactly why I rarely indulged in more than a glass of whiskey now and then. I needed to be in total control of my faculties at all times.
“I don’t intend to do anything to her,” I said honestly.
My cousin, on the other hand… well, he was looking at the pretty blonde in a similar manner to how I was looking at Hailey. Perhaps with a bit more frustration since I would soon have the manacles of matrimony on Hailey, whereas he was struggling just to hold her friend’s attention. Prudently, I didn’t point out Gio’s interest.
“You should be more worried about yourself.”
“Why?” She tossed her head, and her eyes focused on me. “Are you going to hurt me?”
A wicked smile curved my lips as I stared down at her, my cock growing even harder with interest in response to her challenge. What an interesting prospect.
“Do you want me to?”
A shudder went down my spine, right where Giacomo’s hands were pressed against my back, at his question.
Of course not.
That would be madness.