Page 96 of Two Thousand Blades

“What?” Xiang choked out. He nearly stood, but settled for shifting on the chaise so he was partially turned toward Kai. His eyes were wide, and his mouth bobbed without words coming out. “After everything you suffered and went through? This sword was a gift from a god.”

“But he wasn’t a god when I knew him. Just an emperor, and I have many other gifts from emperors in here,” Kai countered. “It is because of that suffering—as well as what I put you through—that I think I should destroy it. Huangdi was a wise, compassionate man. He did not seek trouble, but always wanted what was best for his people. I don’t think he would be pleased with me and my obsession with this gift. I allowed others to use me for harm because of the sword.” Kai lifted his eyes from the sparkling blue crystal and elegant steel to skim over all the rare items that crowded this cavern. “I allowed myself to become obsessed with material things, drawing away from the human world, when I should have been using my powers to improve their lives. Huangdi would not be pleased.”

Xiang reached out and placed his hands under the sword, lifting it away from Kai. He looked it over slowly, marveling at the expert craftsmanship and elegance of the weapon. “Yinglong answered Huangdi’s request for help, saving many people from floods, but in doing so, he sacrificed his ability to ever fly to the heavens again, leaving him trapped here with the humans.”

The tips of Kai’s ears burned to hear Xiang talk about old deeds with such reverence. “It’s not like I planned to make such a sacrifice. I was only trying to help and screwed myself.”

“And like any of us, you felt honored when a great man showed appreciation for your sacrifice. You didn’t plan for the fae to steal your sword. But when it happened, you did everything within your power to keep me safe from their evil. You’ve also protected my family. I think Huangdi would still be proud of you, Yinglong.”

Now the blush was creeping down to his cheeks. This was horrible. How could anyone make him feel this way? Xiang was more dangerous than all the fae combined.

“From my experience, I’ve learned not to get too involved in the human world,” Xiang continued, seeming oblivious to how he was twisting Kai’s emotions up into knots. “It’s a messy, chaotic place, and magic is no better at untangling their messes than science. There’s no proof to say that humans would have been better off if you’d remained close to help them.” He lifted his gaze to Kai and smirked at him. “Besides, your hoard can compare with the very best museums of the world in preserving parts of the world’s past. If you’re weary of keeping the hoard, donate it to the humans. They’ll be thrilled to have this stuff.”

It was something to consider. His collection was nice, but it didn’t compare to spending time with his mate, seeing him smile and listening to his wonderful voice.

“And the sword?”

Xiang sighed and lowered his eyes to the weapon. “I know it carries a lot of terrible memories for you now. There are more than a few weapons in our collection that I won’t pick up for the same reason. But that doesn’t mean the sword is tainted. It’s still a reminder of a great and valiant deed. A sign of intense gratitude from a great man. With time, the bad memories will fade and the good will shine through. If you want, you can place the sword in our collection, make the Zhang clan the custodians of your sword. Even if it isn’t the heart of your hoard any longer, we would be honored to guard it for you.”

“Agreed,” Kai said with a laugh. He snapped his fingers, and the sword disappeared. When Xiang gasped in surprise, Kai swooped in and captured his lips in a soft, deep kiss. We pulled away to grin at his flushed mate. “If the Zhang clan takes over protecting the sword, I will put all of my attention on being the guardian of the Zhang clan.”

“Mmmm…a dragon guardian for my clan,” Xiang hummed. “I like that idea.”

Kai wrapped his arms around Xiang and zipped them across the cavern to land on the center of the canopied bed with a bounce. The vampire pressed to him barely even reacted as he snuggled closer, peppering Kai’s lips with kisses.

“I love you, my protective, possessive dragon,” Xiang murmured against his mouth.

“And I love you, my crazy vampire. I swear to always keep you and your kin safe.”

Xiang lifted his head and cupped one of Kai’s cheeks. His soft eyes sparkled in the flickering torchlight, sending Kai’s heart soaring as he watched him. “Above all, I want you to be happy.”

“My heart, when I am with you, I am always happy.”

Because with Xiang, he’d stolen the very best treasure of all, and no one was ever going to separate them.

1 Shaobing – breakfast or snack food that is an unleavened, layered flatbread. Can be served plain or with a filling such as red bean paste or meat



Junjie retreated to his room and softly closed the door. With a long, heavy sigh, he lowered his head to rest on the cool wood and shut his eyes.

Jiang Chong was back.

The freedom they had enjoyed for two millennia was crumbling before their eyes.

The fae had been problematic since arriving in America, but they’d always felt safe in their own home. They had ample defenses to warn them against an intrusion.

But none of those defenses worked with Jiang Chong. The vampire was their maker. He’d lived with them for decades. Trained them. He knew them better than anyone else, which meant he could sneak past their defenses with little effort. Even with a huli jing and a dragon guarding them.

Jiang Chong alone wasn’t the problem.

Just the mention of his name conjured up blood-splashed memories of pain and death. His stomach churned and twisted, while icy cold bit into his flesh.

Yes, he’d been the one to almost carve Jiang Chong’s heart from his chest, and he’d do it again without a single thought. The bastard had thrown Yichen through a wall, almost snapping his spine. Each member of the clan had been battered and bruised. Barely able to move. The monster had then turned to stalk Jiejie. She’d had no formal training, no hope of defending herself from him.

Soft scratching followed by a demanding meow jerked Junjie from his bleak memories. He stepped from the door and opened it a crack. An enormous white and orange cat shoved his way inside like he had every right to stroll into Junjie’s room.