Page 17 of Obsession

Ella couldn’t help but doubt that. Aside from the orgasm, Tucker had shown her little in the way of compassion, let alone courtesy.

“What?” Her mind raced. No toilet? Who willingly chose to live without such basic facilities?

Maybe he’s not living here willingly?

Her gaze shot around the cabin, surveying its limited amenities. She’d initially considered it large for what was ostensibly a wooden hut, but somehow, she’d never noticed there wasn’t even a bathroom. She supposed she’d assumed the toilet would be located in an adjoining shack somewhere. She’d never conceived an existence without one!

No one would choose this.

“You heard me.” His tone was clipped, its edge exacerbating her mushrooming panic. “There is no toilet.”

“Then where do you…” Her voice trailed away as she pressed her knees together and tried not to dwell on how desperate she was to go.

“Outside.” He sniggered, signaling to the window as if she didn’t know where ‘outside’ was. She glanced fleetingly to the pane, realizing it was still light out there. Evidently, she hadn’t slept for as long as she thought she had. “But I didn’t think you’d appreciate that.”

No, she most certainly did not. One attempt at perching behind a tree was quite enough.

“So, I found you the bucket.” His gaze traveled to the dirty-looking metal. “It’s been in the barn a while, but it should suffice.”

“Th-thanks.” Ella didn’t know what else to say.

It seemed, in light of the new information, Tucker had been as considerate as he could have been. She had no desire to use the revolting old bucket, but he apparently didn’t even have that much luxury.

“You’re welcome, little girl.” He fell to one knee by the side of the bed, his proximity doing little to quell her hammering heart. “I told you I’d look after you.”

For one lengthy and powerful moment, they merely stared at each other. Ella, though still aware of her discomfort, was lost in the depths of his blue eyes. Something about having him so near again evoked the passion they’d created before.

“About earlier…” She cringed as the words fell from her lips. Why had she mentioned earlier? The last thing she wanted to do was remind him of the sexual contact.

“Mmmm.” That same dangerous gleam shone in his gaze. “You were amazing.”

“Yeah, I…” Catching her lip between her teeth, she struggled to find the right words. What was it she was trying to tell him?

Her brain answered at once, instructing she ought to convey how they should never have allowed the intimacy to happen and how it had meant nothing to her. Yet her heart halted the harsh words, the galloping organ certain that none of it was true. The pleasure he’d given her had been the best part of an exceedingly crappy experience. Why lie about its intensity and risk missing out on more?

“I didn’t expect that.” That was certainly one way of putting it. Ella couldn’t have conceived any of the ordeal, let alone enjoyed a man the same age as her father, stroking her to climax. Her head ached at the paradox.

“I bet.” His hand shifted to her face, grazing over her heated cheek. “I’m glad I could help you that way.” One delicious dark eyebrow arched. “Even if you fell asleep before you could return the favor.”

“Oh.” A new kind of shame swept across her.

Shit, is that what happened?

Ella couldn’t remember much more than the power of the peak, then waking up on his bed, but his confession and pained expression reassured her of one pertinent point. If she’d left him unsatisfied and he still had needs, then he’d not moved to manipulate her while she slept.

Thank goodness.

“I’m sorry, sir.” She caught his eyes, aware she might even mean the apology. Ella hadn’t set out to woo the older man who’d held her hostage, but she had welcomed the hedonism he’d unleashed. She would never have deliberately intended to tease him. She might be a lot of things, but a selfish lover wasn’t one of them.

“You’re okay.” His hand cradled her cheek lovingly. “You needed to rest.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “And now I need to pee.”

In the swirl of their unexpected connection, Tucker seemed to have forgotten the most pressing matter. If he didn’t act fast, she’d be bound to his very wet bed. She held her breath at the agonizing thought. Whatever happened, she couldn’t let that happen.

“Right.” He nodded. “I get it, but the question is, how do I trust you to go without bolting for the door again?”

“I won’t.”