Page 10 of Obsession

“To do what’s asked of you.” Pressing his palm to one of her smooth thighs, he eased her leg open as he smacked her helpless slit. Ella would have made a useless soldier if she consistently refused to take commands. “You have to obey.”

“Just stop!” Her voice broke as she finally gave up the fight. Sprawled out flat against his bed, her tears flowed as the edge of his cloth whipped her sex over and over.

“Try again.” His gaze scanned her body, noting how the tension now seemed focused on surviving the swats rather than struggling against him. It was, he hoped, the first sign of submission.

“Sir!” She winced. “Just stop, please.”

“Better.” The fabric paused, running along her punished sex as he turned back to her. “Are you going to behave?” He already knew the answer. She’d concur with any sentiment to make him stop, but deep down, they both knew the wild cat remained.

“What do you want?” Her voice was laced with anguish. “My complete surrender?”

Spread-eagled on his bed, she clearly had no idea how bloody good that sounded.

“That will do, to begin with.” His amusement was barely suppressed. “I know you’re not happy, little girl. You don’t want to be here, you don’t trust me, and you loathe your father. All of that is understandable, but…” He paused, running his hand along her hip. “You are here, and you are mine.”

She pursed her lips, no doubt trying to prevent more tears leaking from her watery gaze.

“I need your word that you won’t run again.” Tucker was absurdly tempted to ignore her pleas and just continue with her punishment. Smacking her tantalizing pussy was the most fun he’d had in years.

“You want me to stay with you whatever the cost?” She blinked away the waiting tears. “However much of this I have to endure.” She nodded toward her bound body.

“There won’t be more of this if you obey.” He realized how much the idea disappointed him as he replied. The situation was a perplexing paradox. He resented her constant rebellion, yet it empowered him to subjugate her and treat her exactly the way he wanted to. If she learned to behave, how would he justify his sadistic streak?

“I don’t know how.” Her eyes fell closed at the admission.

“You don’t know how to obey?” He shook his head at her over-indulged confession. Had her life been so opulent that she’d never even had to compromise before?

“No.” She sniffed. “I don’t think so.”

“I can help you.” His thumb stroked her hip. “I’ll help you to stay within my rules and get through this.”

“You will?” Her eyes fluttered open. “How?”

“By guiding you.” His thumb ventured closer to the edge of her sex, drawing tiny circles over her skin. “Keeping you on the right path.”

She swallowed, her gaze flitting past her pegged nipples to the place his thumb caressed. “The right path?”

“Sir.” He should have been tired of reminding her, but the amplifying chemistry between them meant he almost forgot his irritation. “Your obedience starts with how you talk to me.”

“Sir.” There was an unexpected calm in her tone as she supplicated to his request. “What do you mean by ‘the right path’?”

“A path that helps you get through this.” His hand dipped to the heated flesh his cloth had lashed, his touch feathery light. “One that benefits us both.”

“I’d like that.” She inhaled, her green eyes piercing him as his fingertips tickled her pubic hair. “Sir.”

Staring down at her, Tucker was amazed at the sense of exhilaration that washed over him. Bennett might owe him cash, but this was the moment Tucker added interest to the debt.

Chapter Four

Chaos Theory


Her head was cloudy at his caresses, the ache his infernal cloth had inspired morphing into something hotter and slicker. What was happening to her? Stretched out on his bed, it was difficult to say. His swats had driven her to the edge of sanity, their ceaseless hurt amplifying with every impact. At one point, Ella had been on the verge of breaking down altogether, her desperation as real as the wood pinching her nipples.

He did that. Her already parched throat dried at the realization.

Tucker had attached the clothespins to her, but even though she hated the intensity and everything they represented, she couldn’t deny the way they’d affected her.