He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize what she represented—his money.
Or a shot at a happier future.
He straightened at the abrupt thought, once more startled that it had risen to the fore at this of all moments. He was about to enact the penance she deserved. Why was he thinking about anything more than delivering what she needed?
There was no future as far as he and little Miss Bennett were concerned. However much he enjoyed her company, he couldn’t permit himself to dwell on such a perverse fantasy.
It wouldn’t serve either of them.
He would do what had to be done to placate and protect her until such time that her spineless father paid his debt. Then, he had no doubt she would be out of his life faster than the squirrels leapt from the trees to avoid the approaching wolves.
“I spanked you with my hand yesterday.” His palm tingled at the pleasant memory. “But it wasn’t enough to curb your behavior. Let’s see what you make of this.”
Aiming the end of the cloth between her legs, he sent it flying through the ether toward her pussy. For one captivating moment, time stood still as the fabric flew. Holding his breath, he watched as it landed precisely where he’d intended, impacting close to where her clitoris was hidden by her soft-looking hair.
Her lips parted at the strike, stretching wide enough that Tucker considered how he might best manage the space. Wounded eyes met his as he readied himself for his second shot, but to her credit, there was no accompanying noise.
“Very good, little girl.”
He was strangely proud of the fact she hadn’t called out. Ella had yelled at every given opportunity so far. Perhaps the threat of repercussions alone had been enough to tame her wildcat?
“Remember to keep that pretty mouth closed, though, unless you want me to fill it?”
The question hung in the air between them for a few seconds before his focus flitted back to the cloth’s destination. Swatting between her legs again, he watched as her body jolted, her groin looking for an escape route he hadn’t permitted. With all four limbs held down to his bedstead, Ella was going nowhere.
“Oh God.” She whispered the words, her eyes squeezed shut as though she couldn’t bear to look at him.
“Hmmm.” Dragging the tip of the cloth over her sex, he considered her effort aloud. “I’m sure I said there should be no noise.”
Her gaze fluttered open at his criticism, her gaze narrowing at him.
“But it seems there’s something you’d like to say.” He chuckled, drawing the fabric to her clit and hovering it over the sensitive bud. “So, I give you permission just once.” His attention returned to her face. It had reddened, although he wasn’t sure if the color was derived from anger, frustration, or embarrassment.
He hoped to inspire all three.
“What would you like to tell me, Ella?”
“You’re going to hit me with that thing?” Disbelief resonated in her voice.
“I’m going to spank you with it, yes.” Christ, she was all the more alluring when she articulated her penance. “For starters.”
“Starters, sir?” Her brows knitted as though she didn’t understand the term.
“That’s right.”
Allowing her to speak was more satisfying than he’s imagined it would be. Especially as she was being so obedient and using his honorific. Perhaps he might permit her more speech, so long as he continued to control the narrative.
“I thought your tempting little pussy might make for a more effective target than your ass.” Briefly meeting her bewildered green gaze, he took aim and landed another strike on her clit. Apparently unprepared for the latest swat, she gasped, her thighs attempting to close at the impact. “And it seems I might have been right.”
“Ouch!” Jerking harder at his ties, she squirmed with the hurt. “That hurts like a bi—”
“Hush,” he warned, shooting her a glare. “No more talk unless I say so.”
Her eyes glinted at the shock of being silenced, convincing him that it was even more fun to give, and then retract her permissions.
“However much it hurts, remember you deserve the pain.” Clutching the cloth closer to the end, he delivered another three fast spanks with it in quick succession, relishing the echo of her desperate mewls.
“I don’t deserve this.” Gritting her teeth, she rose from the bed as far as his binds allowed—which wasn’t far. His ties were doing a surprisingly good job of keeping her in place. “No one fucking deserves this.”