Page 8 of Suspicion

Ella’s father had always been next to useless. He’d denied paternity for many years of her life. Then once her mother had proven he was Ella’s dad, he’d plied her with cash as compensation, funneling her from one expensive yacht to another swanky hotel.

She’d no idea he was in financial difficulties. Alexander Bennett owned more than one company and was used to the finer things in life. Why would he need to borrow money from a man like the one currently towering over her?

Tucker’s gaze was menacing as his jaw tightened, provoking the question of why anyone would want to spend time with him at all.


“So, what?” Her predicament was suddenly all too clear. He was going to take her, and despite her fight-or-flight response, there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to stop him.

What am I going to do?

Even if she didn’t want to admit it, she stood little chance of getting away from Tucker, especially with her hands and feet still bound, but she didn’t want to go with him proactively. He was a complete stranger, apparently there to hold her hostage at her father’s insistence. He could take her anywhere and do anything…

But he had a point. She wouldn’t stand a chance left out there alone. Ella knew nothing about survival. She was more used to salon appointments than foraging for food.

“Which of the two options do you choose?”

It hadn’t escaped her notice that his tone had exponentially lowered in the last few moments. She sensed Tucker’s patience was waning.

“I can’t just let you take me.” If her hands had been freed, she’d have shoved him away. Who did he think she was? Nobody would choose to be a captive. Was he mad?

“You can comply.”

He edged closer until only a few inches separated them, his gaze somehow knowing. Tucker was right. He was going to win the battle, and there was nothing she could do about it.

She knew it.

So did he.

She could scream and cry and do her best to slow his progress, but ultimately, she couldn’t stop him. She was screwed, thanks to her useless father. Tucker was going to take her. It was only a question of how things were going to unfold.

“Why?” She could hardly get the word out. As though her body had just caught up with her panicking mind, everything seemed to be happening in slow motion.

This was really happening.

She’d been left in the dirt by her own father for this man to have his wicked way.

“Why would I comply?” Craning her neck, she met his stare as he pressed slightly toward her. The act, although subtle, compounded her burgeoning dread.

He can do anything he likes. He can push himself against me, on me, or…

Her throat closed as her thoughts ran to their logical conclusion, heightening her utter sense of powerlessness.

“Because that will make me happy.” His stare was unyielding, and for the first time, she noticed that he had blue eyes. “And you want to make me happy, don’t you, Ella?”

Did she? Her blood ran cold as she understood his implied meaning. She ought to keep her captor sweet if she intended to survive.

“Why would I want to do that?” she asked, even though she knew the answer.

She had the distinct impression that Tucker’s patience was close to the breaking point and that each new question she posed was inching him over the edge. Yet still, she asked them, as if she couldn’t resist the danger he potentially presented.

Don’t be silly.

The jeopardy Tucker exhibited was as real as the tree propping her up. She ought to stop poking the beast, ought to just submit and hope he went easy on her, yet she refused.

“Why?” He leaned closer, the warmth of his breath washing over her face. “Why wouldn’t you want to appease the man who’s about to kidnap you?”

Oh God. Alarm ballooned as he spelled out just how big the hole her father had dug for her was.