Page 17 of Suspicion

“No,” he interrupted, realizing her concern. “I already told you. I don’t have plans to hurt you, Ella. The blade is to cut you loose.”

“Oh.” For the first time, she might have been speechless.


A part of him couldn’t believe he was even contemplating slicing through her ropes, but he reasoned she was correct. His impromptu spanking had probably put the fear of God into her, and even if she did run, how far could she get? Her hands would still be bound, and so close to his cabin, she’d be lost on his turf. She wouldn’t stand a chance. Still, the idea of freeing her feet nagged as he lowered to one knee.

“I’m taking a leap of faith doing this.” Lifting his gaze, he found her staring down at him. “Do yourself a favor and don’t let me down.”

Lifting the blade to her ankles, he cut through the ropes with relative ease. His hunting knife was designed to get through far tougher things than the lines Bennett had chosen.

“There.” He rose to his feet, the blade still clasped in his hand as their gazes locked. “Go by that tree.” He signaled behind her. “I’ll wait here.” He knew his stride could outrun her if need be.

“Thanks.” She looked genuinely stunned at his compliance, and fleetingly, he wondered if he’d just made a terrible mistake releasing her.

No. He inhaled. It’s okay. Whatever happens, I’ll handle it.

“Go.” His voice deepened. “And no messing me around.”

“I’m not,” she assured him, twisting around to see the tree he meant. “Are you going to w-watch me?” Her brow furrowed as she glanced back.

“Of course.” What did she think was going to happen?

“Oh.” She retreated, blushing harder and reaching for the sturdy trunk with her bound wrists as she neared. “It’s just… I don’t know if I can go when you’re watching.”

For fuck’s sake.

“I thought you were desperate?” He drew in a breath, determined not to lose his cool over her delay. This, he decided, was one of the reasons he’d chosen the single life. Women were a perpetual nuisance.

“I am.” She leaned against the tree, likely aiming to look casual and yet failing miserably.

He smiled at the look of her, the levity easing his irritation. “Then go.” He gestured to the spot behind her. “Before I change my mind.”

“Okay.” Frowning, she edged away from the tree a few inches, her reddened ass rousing his need again. Her hands rose to the waistband of her panties and paused as she risked a tentative glance back in his direction.


Of course, he understood her hesitation. She was embarrassed… just as she’d been when he’d tipped her over his knee and chastised her. No doubt she didn’t want to urinate in front of him. No doubt, nothing about this day had been what she’d have chosen, but frankly, that wasn’t his problem.

“No.” She turned away quickly.

“Get a move on, Ella.” His tone was melodic as he watched her lower into a deep squat.

“I’m moving.” She sounded on the verge of tears as she struggled to find an optimum position. Her joggers, it seemed, were in the way and needed to be pulled down to her ankles to avoid being caught in the stream, but rather than finding her amusing, he was utterly enthralled by her performance.

Observing her was like hypnosis. Each fidgety movement and gasped breath she offered were so captivating that he almost forgot what she was there to do.

Ella was breathtaking.

“Oh God.” Her head fell as she finally relieved herself. “I can’t believe this.”

He smirked at her distress, her words snapping him out of whatever spell she’d conjured. Perhaps her mortification would serve them both. He didn’t know much about the woman who would now share his home, but if he had to guess, she’d been rather spoiled and indulged up to this point in her life. It was possible that this humbling experience would offer her a new perspective.

“Ready?” he called out, not because he was frantic to resume the journey but because rattling her was fast becoming his favorite new game.


He watched as she wriggled back to her feet, tugging her skimpy underwear up to cover what was left of her modesty.